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P6/7 Term 4 – So Far

Since we returned to school we have been very busy! Here is a snapshot of some of the things we have been doing…..

We have been doing different types of persuasive writing including persuasive letters about Caterpillar cakes and School uniform. We also wrote a debate opening statement on whether children should have mobile phones.







We created Trees of Life – These included our Wishes and Dreams, important people in our lives and things we are good at.

Over the past couple of weeks we have taken part in a range of Sports Day activities including Potted Sports, Flat race, Long distance run, Egg and Spoon and skipping races. We are currently doing our Sports Champion events


We were using our 5 sense to create questions about nature.  e.g. How does grass grow?


We have been creating posters which provide advice for a woman about how to stay healthy during pregnancy.

We have been using Scratch to create amazing animations by carrying coding activities guided by our Digital Leaders Alex and Jake.

P7 Return To School

Since returning from home learning back to Primary 7 all the children have been very busy. We are all really happy to be back in school with our friends.

In numeracy, we have been doing work on Numeracy Ninjas. Numeracy Ninjas is where we have to answer 30 questions as accurately as we can in order to work towards a black belt. Also in numeracy we have been working on percentages in number talks and mental maths.  Also in numeracy we have been collecting, displaying and analysing data. We have used Microsoft Forms and Excel to do this. We have also been looking at finance and interest rates.

In literacy, we have been working on our persuasive techniques to develop our writing. We wrote letters to Aldi or Marks and Spencers regarding the argument with Cuthbert and Collin the Caterpillars, we looked at different persuasive techniques. We created persuasive adverts about a custom product using the green screen. We also chose issues that were important to us and structured debates.

Also in literacy we have been looking at different types of poetry. We made Sonnets about Spring and Lockdown Life. When writing the Sonnets we had to think about syllables, rhyme and imagery.

Also in literacy we did creative writing on a villain we created and drew. We had to focus on adjectives, setting and characterisation.

In HWB, we have been learning about menstruation, we have been learning about the cycle and strategies to improve our mental health.

In P.E we have been practising for sports day. We have been taking part in different activities that count towards sports champion. Mr Alison came in and taught us some ball games.

In art, we learned about the techniques the artist Georgia ‘O’ Keefe used and we also created our own flower art. Following on from learning about the 1970’s we created our own pop art in the style of Andy Warhol.

We have learning about the digestive system and the different organs in the human body and their functions.

When we returned to school we created our own tree of life to share information about ourselves.

In digital technologies, we are learning how to create an animation in coding.

Primary 7 have been extremely busy since we got back from home schooling as you can see. We are looking forward to the rest of our term in Primary 7.

Spring Is here, Summer Is Near! P6




In Maths with Mrs Sim we have been learning about making different types of graphs. These include bar charts, line graphs and more. We each planted a sunflower to see how much they grow over 6 weeks. Some are bigger than others but that’s ok! So far some are taller than 10cm (Centimeters).

In Maths with Mrs Clanachan we are working on fractions, percentages and decimals. We have been simplifying and finding equivalent fractions.

We asked 6 pupils in our class to give us a couple of sentence about maths.

“In maths I enjoy doing negative numbers because I find them easy and I love counting.” Lily Blair.

“I enjoy learning about decimals, fractions and percentages because I find them challenging but also sometimes easy.” Poppy Watson.

“I enjoy maths because  I get to go out the class and learn stuff that I need to get better at.” Lily Williamson.

“I enjoy adding and subtracting decimals.” Ruari Kirkpatrick.

“In maths I really enjoy adding and subtracting decimals because it is very easy for me and it is fun”. Abbie Laidlaw.

” I enjoy doing maths because I like doing fractions, decimals and percentages.” Tyler Gallagher.


In literacy, we have been learning about




We asked 7 pupils in our class to tell us  why they enjoy literacy.

“In literacy we write  imaginative writing. I like to do imaginative writing.” Keira Williamson.

“In literacy I enjoyed writing character descriptions and imagery writing.”  Jay Ross.

“In Literacy we have been (most recently)  doing imagery which I really enjoyed. We had to look at photos and make a paragraph/description.” Elijyah Astley

“I enjoy imaginative writing because I can make my own story.” Macey Steel.

“I enjoy literacy because it makes me happy.”Callum Corner.

“In literacy, I enjoy imaginative writing.” Alicia Donald.


In ICT we have been creating PowerPoints about our recent work on Christianity.

The Ten commandments by Faith and Bradley

(Left click to see their PowerPoint and then click the link)

Christianity by Josh and Tyree

(Left Click to see their power point and then click the link) 🙂


P6 Young Leaders

Chloe and Scarlett are our young Digital Leaders and they taught us how to use scratch an online coding website

Here is the link address for scratch…

(Highlight then copy and paste into your search bar)