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P5/6- Term 1

P5/6 had a very busy first term. A lot of our time was spent out side doing a range of activities.

Den building

We worked in groups of 8 to build our own dens in the playground. It was quite challenging to keep them up in the wind. We worked well as t eams and made our den survival ready!




Kindness posters

We created posters with our names on it and we all added kind words about each other on to each others posters.


Maths- Diagonals in 2d Shapes

We had draw a range of 2d shapes and identify how many diagonals each shape had. The octagon had a lot!!!


Landscape Posters

We had to create painitings focusing on colours and tones using features of the Scottish landscape to create our pictures.


What’s been happening in P1R – Term 1

We have been very busy in P1 Rainbows!

We have been learning all about numbers! We have been practicing recognising numbers and putting them in the right order.
We have a number wall in our classroom to help us. It has Numberblocks, 5 and 10 frames, finger patterns, dice patterns and numicon. We need to be able to recognise these things without counting – this is called subitising.

We have also been learning some sounds. We know 6 sounds so far.

We have been learning how to write a description. We can write a colour sentence, a number sentence, a shape sentence or a size sentence.

Our first topic was the 5 senses – they are smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch.

Our other topic was Journeys, and we are still doing this topic just now.

we have been learning how to use the computers. We have been learning the names of the different parts – the screen, the mouse, the keyboard and the tower.

We also get to do lots of C.O.O.L Time. C.O.O.L Time means ‘Continuing Our Own Learning’. We get to be the teacher and make our own choices for own learning.

Term 1 Primary 1 Sunshine

Here’s a few of the childrens highlights of Term 1…

“We loved getting the mats and benches out in P.E, it was great fun rolling and balancing”

“We have been learning about our senses, we loved the feely box and smell pots. Some things felt slimy and there were some gross smells.”

” We can say some of our sounds now. We have learnt “s,a,t,i” we like trying to write them and learning the songs”

“We know lots of numbers and have been practising growing, throwing numbers and looking at shapes numbers can make.”

“We like working outside. Looking for leaves, describing them and making leaf rubbings was exciting.”