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Heathhall School Open Afternoon – Tuesday 6th September

It was fantastic to welcome parents into school yesterday for our open afternoon. It was great to see parents engaging with what their children were learning in the school setting.

KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera

Digital Schools Award for Heathhall School

On  Tuesday 28th June 2022 Heathhall Primary School were awarded their Digital Schools Award!

Digital Schools Awards is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in schools. Schools that successfully complete the programme receive a nationally recognised award by Education Scotland.

In order to achieve this award the school has worked very hard at incorporating Digital technologies across all areas of the curriculum. During the validation interview it was commented that ‘Digital technologies are used to enhance and extend learning experiences and to foster independent learning within and beyond the school.’ It was noted that Young Digital Leaders were able to enhance pupil and staff confidence and that the school worked well at enhancing digital communication with parents and the wider community.

While working towards the award the Young Digital Leaders at Heathhall have developed their digital literacy skills and have shared this with other pupils and teachers across the school. They have developed their knowledge and understanding of different software used throughout the school and have enjoyed experimenting with new resources which have been acquired.


Heathhall Young Digital Leaders

Heathhall Primary School gives children in the Upper School a chance to become Young Digital Leaders.

As Young Digital Leaders we are here to help children and teachers learn more about technology. We teach a wide range of skills in ICT.

To be a Young Digital Leader, we must complete an application form on why we would like to be a Digital Leader, what experience we have had before with computers that would make us a good Digital Leader and strengths and skills we have that can help us in this job. After a discussion with our teachers, we vote for who we believe should be the Young Digital Leaders for the year.

The Young Digital Leaders attend an after-school club with Mrs Brown to learn new skills and work with new resources. This can range from Scratch, all the way up to various Microsoft applications and computer robots such as Botleys and Move Minis.  The Young Digital Leaders then prepare lessons and take the place of the teacher to teach the class a new skill. They are then able to work alongside teachers to develop everyone’s skills.

Our aim is to help people get better and enjoy ICT as much as we do.

-Alex Leed and Tyree Dyson

P7 Young Digital Leaders




Heathhall’s Got Talent 2022!

This afternoon the whole school joined together to enjoy watching Heathhall’s Got Talent!

It was a fantastic afternoon with lots of talent on show from dancing to baton twirling to gymnastics to comedy to singing and playing musical instruments.

It was great to see everyone performing so confidently. A big well done to the House Captains for organising the show!

The judges had a very hard task to decide the winner!

Eventually it was decided that the runner up was Ezmae in P2 with her dance routine!

And the winner was Piper in P5 with her baton twirling!!!

A HUGE WELL DONE to everyone who took part!