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Community Centre Trip

On Wednesday 26th June, Primary 3 visited Heathhall Community Centre.  They helped to plant beautiful flowers, weed the bowling green area, litter pick in the carpark and play park and generally make the area look clean and tidy!  They did a wonderful job.

After all the hard work, we had a picnic lunch and then some den-building and a game of rounders!

P1 visit Moat Brae

Primary One had a fantastic trip to Moat Brae.

When we arrived we met Charlotte who told us all about the importance of Moat Brae. To help her she introduced us to Jamie Barrie – he told us that he wrote Peter Pan!

Next we went on a tour of the house. We sat at the big table and were given our pirate name.

We got to look at a room full of books and listen to a story, explore Wendy’s bedroom, chase after Tinkerbell and Peter Pan and play with lots of cool story props.

A favourite part of the tour was dressing up and performing on the big stage upstairs.

After lunch we got to play outside on the adventure playground – it was amazing!

We had a fantastic day!

Guid Nychburris Visit June 2024

The Guid Nychburris Principals visited us today.  They were joined by our very own Attendant for the event event – Evie, and Noel who is the Queen’s Bearer (Queen of the South). The Cornet presented our Guid Nychburris Handwriting competition winners with their certificates and this year one of our pupils won the cup for the best handwriting overall. Well done everyone!

Visit to Heathhall Garden Centre

Primary 3/4 had a fantastic visit to Heathhall Garden Centre as part of our learning about Plants.

We loved exploring the Garden Centre to find the plants in our Scavenger Hunt and then had fun creating our own clues for a partner. We learned the names of lots of new plants and how to look after them. We used our skills of observation to sketch a variety of plants found at the Garden Centre, looking carefully at the different parts of each plant. We sketched healthy plants and discussed the different needs of the plants. Everyone enjoyed refreshments in the tearoom before continuing our learning tasks.

Colin, the plant manager was very impressed with the questions we asked to learn more about looking after plants. We bought broad beans to carry out our own investigations back in school to determine all the different factors that affect the growth of a plant. We also bought Nasturtium and Sweet Pea seeds  in order to grow our own plants back in school.

Thank you very much to Mr Barr and all the staff at Heathhall Garden Centre for their hospitality, making us feel welcome and their help and support in making this a fantastic class visit!



Viking Day

A fantastic visit from the Vikings, Cathbad and Bjorn!

Primary 3/4 had lots of fun learning more about life in Viking times. We enjoyed dressing up, making a shield wall with our own decorated Viking shields, listening to Viking stories, playing the exciting Settlers game and sharing our learning.

Thank you Bjorn and Cathbad!

Halo Trust Visit

Today in primary 6/7 we had a special visit,  from Kieran from the HALO trust.  HALO trust is a worldwide organisation which specialise in landmines.  Kieran came in to inform the class more on what the organisation does worldwide and brought in equipment to show the class.  As a class we really enjoyed this and it was great to have someone who is an expert teaching us about this topic.