All posts by Miss Anderson

Outdoor Learning

As part of our Rights Respecting Schools and Outdoor Learning we went out into the playground with our chalk.  We had to draw around our partner’s outline and make sure we put our name to it.  Then we had to go around everybody’s and identify the positive qualities they have.  We wrote these inside the body outline.  It was nice to look at all the nice things people said about us.


Stop-motion Animation

In class with Miss McMinn P5 have been working in groups to create a stop-motion animation.  We used an app on the i-pad to do this.  Have a look below and watch some of our wonderful work.

Primary 5 Golf

P5 have really enjoyed having Golf over the last few weeks.  We practised putting, chipping and pitching skills and made lots of progress.

Evan wont the title of ‘Top scorer’ for P5 in our last week.




P5 Class Trip – Remembering Rabbie

Primary 5 recently went to the Robert Burns Centre to take part in a ‘Remembering Rabbie’ workshop.  This included learning about Burns’ life in Dumfries, visiting Burns House and finishing the day with a walk to the Mausoleum to lay a wreath – as our visit coincided with Burn’s birthday – 25th January.

During the day we were listening about his life, told to us by his friend John Syme as well as Jessie Lewars who was a family friend and nursed Robert Burns in his final months.

We sang songs, learned some Scot’s language and also acted out the well known poem – Tam O’ Shanter.

This is some of us acting out Tam O’ Shanter.  Abigail Reilly played the part of Kate, Tam’s wife.  Abigail Ross played the part of Tam.  Callan played the part of Tam’s friend Soutar Johnnie.  Olly played the part of the deil (devil).  Connor played the part of Nannie (Cutty-sark).

Soutar Johnnie and Tam O’ Shanter were at the bar and Tam stayed too long – Joe M

Tam O’ Shanter shouted out ‘Weel done, Cutty-sark!’ Nannie began to chase Tam on his horse, Meg. He knew if he crossed the bridge then the witch wouldn’t be able to chase after him.  But, Nannie managed to catch Meg’s tail and pulled it off – Callan

My favourite part of the story was Callan (aka Soutar Johnnie) drinking beer in the bar – Evan

Here we are at Burn’s House.

We got to see Robert Burns’ kitchen and how they made their washing smell better whilst washing it using water from the River Nith.  They would use dried rose petals. – Abigail Ross

There were seven knitted dolls around Burns’ House to represent the seven children who lived there – Abbie

In one of the rooms upstairs, which Burns called his ‘closet’ where he wrote many of his songs and poems, Burns scratched his signature onto a pane of glass in the window. – Joe A

The family would cut up old tea-towels and fabric and tie it together to make a rug – Thea

Finally we visited the Mausoleum.

Inside the Mausoleum we looked around to find the mouse from the poem ‘To a Mouse.’ We managed to find it!  Will

While we were in St. Michael’s churchyard and at the Mausoleum there were photographers and videographers taking pictures and videos of them.  This was because our visit was on Burns Day.  Noel

Just before we went to the Mausoleum, we were looking out for grave stones with a blue plaque on them.  This showed us that these people had been friends of Burns.  Jessica


We enjoyed our day out of school.

P5 Microbit Live Lesson

P5 have enjoyed our ‘Code Along Live’ session this morning where we were using code to create an ’emotions’ badge.  We thought about how our face changed when our emotions change and designed these faces on our Micro:bit simulator. We were able to add more than one emotion and also music to our code.

Next week we will be carrying on, and creating a different badge.  


Beginning P5…

What a busy start to the term we have had in P5.

One of the first things we did together was agree on our Classroom Rules. These are all linked to Heathhall School’s Values – Fairness, Achievement and Respect.

P5 Classroom Rules are as follows:

Fairness –
* Share with others and play nicely.
* Welcome people to the class and to join in games.
* Help others if you can and have completed your work.

Achievement –
* Always try your best.
* Never give up.
* Always follow your dreams.

Respect –
* Listen carefully to other’s who are talking and wait your turn.
* Look after the property of others and the school.
* Always remember your manners.

Next, we voted for our Class Pupil Councillor & Vice Pupil Councillor.

Jessica was chosen as P5 Pupil Councillor.

Abigail Reilly was chosen as our P5 Vice Pupil Councillor.

Skills Academy – 

Our focus for skills academy this term is ‘Energy & Sustainability.’ We have been learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources and why it is important to conserve our energy.

We have created a leaflet on ‘Sustainability’ and thought of ways we can live more sustainably at home and in school.  Ask your child all about this and perhaps you can make some changes at home.

Expressive Arts this term – 

We have focussed on lots of ‘Getting to Know You’ activities this term.  Skills involved were line drawing and colour mixing. We have also worked hard to pay more attention to detail.

First of all we created a half self-portrait.  In the other half we had to think about our likes, hobbies, family, etc. and draw these things in place of our facial features.

Next we thought about adjectives to describe our self, as well as some of the things we like.  It was a bit tricky writing in the coloured waves.

Have a look below for our ‘bubble’ names…