All posts by Mrs Sim

What We Have Been Learning During Term 1

In this section of our blog we will be showing you what we have been learning during Term 1. It has been great to be back at school and we will love sharing our learning with you.


I have really been enjoying reading an extremely fascinating book about WW2 called Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. I find it has good language and really good detail. I always get engrossed when I am reading I feel like my eyes are glued to the book. By Chloe.



In Maths we have been learning about fractions, we have been learning how to simplify and turn fractions in to mixed numbers. We always try our hardest and work at our own stage. In the morning we start off with a little mental maths carousel, every day each group is either at Number Talks, Sumdog or Mental Agility By Lily B.

I have enjoyed Maths because we have been doing mental agility, sumdog, simplifying fractions and many other things you could name. I enjoy maths mostly because it helps you think more and get stuff in to your head and it helps us prepare for future jobs. By Alicia

In Maths I really enjoyed maths week Scotland which had a Sumdog challenge for schools all over Scotland to take part in. You are given 1000 questions on a Monday and you have until the Thursday to complete them. One of the pupils at Heathhall came in 22nd place out of the whole of Scotland. I really enjoyed taking part in this because it pushed a lot of our class to their limit and I enjoyed playing the games and answering the questions. By Scarlett B.


In HWB we have been learning how to resolve conflicts. We have also been learning how to keep ourselves safe online. We have been taking part in the Couch to 5K and we have been paired with running partners and we try to encourage each other not to stop running. By Elijyah.

In PE with Mrs Sim we play fun games like Cross the Golden River and with Mrs Clanachan we do more fitness like run the daily mile. We also do team relay games to improve our speed and stamina. By Alex

I have enjoyed PE because we have been running the Couch to 5k with Mrs Clanachan it has been lots of fun and it has got lots more people to get fit/healthier. I enjoy this because we get to go outside and also because I am a good runner. By Tyler.


We drew our dojo characters and pinned them up on the wall. We think they look really good and we enjoyed doing it because it was our last day with Mrs Clanachan. so we got to choose what we did and we did dojo characters and outside games. By Beth



Welcome to Primary 6

Hi! We are Primary 6 and this is our class blog. In this blog we will be showing you photos and telling you what we have been learning about. We have two fantastic teachers, Mrs Clanachan who teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We also have Mrs Sim who teaches us on a Thursday, Friday and Wednesday morning. In our class we have 33 magnificent, hardworking pupils who always strive to go FAR!   By Chloe and Scarlett B.

Visit from Rev. Mhairi Wallace

On Thursday 12th March, Primary 6 had a visit from Reverend Mhairi Wallace.  She helped the class in their learning of Christian marriage and baptisms.  They also learned about a Christian funeral and Holy Communion.

Mhairi carried out a mock marriage and baptism service with the class (much to their embarrassment!!)

Rhys and Phoebe were married by Rev. Mhairi in front of their two witnesses, Faith and Cameron.


Baby Lucy (Minnie Mouse) was baptised by Rev. Mhairi in front of her parents Iona and Euan.

Meet the Political Parties in P6


This the SSTP  (Scottish Save the Turtles) Party.  Their aim is to reduce the amount of plastic in the Earth’s oceans.  They received the most votes in our class.  Well done!!



This is the first aiders mascot.  They came 2nd with 8 votes.  well done to Katelyn, Tilly ,Evie M, Bethany, Lucie and Alisha .

This Is the howlers. They came 3rd with 4 votes. Well done to Brooklyn, Sharleigh,  Luke,  Chelsea, Lewis and Faith .

This is infinity squad.

They came 4th with 3 votes.  Well done to Katie, Leah, Rhys, Phoebe, Ruth and Ezmie .

This is Heathhall’s Best

They came 5th with 2 votes. Well done to Cameron,  Josh, Ben and Caylan