All posts by Mrs Brown


Primary 7 have been learning all about 3D shape. We have constructed models inside and outside, looked for 3D shapes in the environment around us and identified the properties of different 3D shapes.

We transferred some of this work onto Tinkercad using our technology and creativity skills.

Lego Spike

We have loved working with the new Lego Spike kits which we were able to purchase as a result of receiving a grant from DRAX.

The children have been able to work collaboratively in order to develop their creativity, teamwork and technology skills. They have constructed a variety of different models and the operated these from the iPads using their coding skills.

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day 20024. At Heathhall Primary School every class looked at the message for this year’s Safer Internet Day. It was based on the way Technology is changing and how to keep ourselves safe within this every changing world.

Each class carried out activities based around staying safe while using the internet. Children took part in online workshops, created posters and played games.

The Young Digital Leaders visited every class to share this message with the children. They shared stories, had discussions and even sang a little song!


Robert Burns

Primary 7 had great fun learning about the life of Robert Burns.

They researched key events in his life and then used this to write a rap about his life. They then created a backing track using Chrome Music Lab. They recorded and evaluated their performance before rerecording their rap. They then designed a CD cover for their rap.

Great work P7!



My World of Work Workshops

At the end of November P7 took part in different World of Work workshops.

We learnt about cracking different codes in the Cryptography workshop. We had great fun coding and decoding different messages.

We then took part in a games design workshop and we created our own maze game. We were able to control our character to solve the maze and then we were able to play each others games. It was super cool!