All posts by Mrs Brown

Class Trip

On the 5th of June it was the day to go to the National Museum of Scotland. I jumped out of my bed so excited. I dashed down the stairs to get changed. Then my beautiful mum made my breakfast I had toast with butter. After, I ran out the door like I never had before. When I got to school I couldn’t breathe. Eventually we got onto the bus. I sat next to Kacey. We got a bit bored so we played I spy and funny stories. I tried to go to sleep but Kacey was singing. Then we just talked and talked until we got to the toilet stop. Kacey and I didn’t go to the toilet. For the rest of the journey we just talked to Chloe`s mum and Isla’s mum. Then the incredible moment arrived, we were at the National Museum of Scotland.

First we all went to the toilet. After that we put our bags in a bag box to keep them safe. We took our snacks out for snack time. I had chocolate animal biscuits. It was delicious.

Next we went to the Ancient Egypt gallery. It was spectacular – too good to be true. Then we looked at the skeleton animals. There were kangaroos, giraffes, elephants and snakes. My favourite animal was the kangaroos. After that we went to the games place. I loved it. I liked the hamster wheel. Then it was lunch time. I had a wrap, crisps, pepperami and a juice.

Then we went to see a nice lady called Geraldine. We did artefact handling with Geraldine.

It was fantastic. We got twenty minutes to do what we wanted. My group wanted to go up the elevator so we did. It was awesome. Then we grabbed our bags and went back to the bus.

I sat next to Grace on the way back. We played catch with Iona`s jacket. Grace and I shared scary stories too. Then my mum picked me up.

By Lacey Patterson (P3/4)


QOS Visit

Today we had a visit from the Guid Nychburris Principles.

We were visited by the Queen Abbie and her attendants Emma and Josie.

The Cornet, Jack, Cornet’s Lass, Amy  and their Liners also came.

We also got a chance to see our own attendant, Ellen in her dress and she was presented with a little gift from the school by the Cornet.

It is a very special year for Heathhall as this is the first time that the Queen of The South is an ex-pupil!

We wish them all the very best for Saturday.

Design and Manufacture Term 2 with Mrs Brown

Last term a group of pupils took part in Design and Manufacture during Skills Academy.

They looked at how to print on fabric and create letters in a design process. They then designed and made a cushion which they then personalised.

They also made a no-sew penguin or snowman using a sock!

They developed their creativity skills and had to work together when attaching fabrics. They also learnt how to sew!

Fun was had by all!