Meet the Political Parties in P6


This the SSTP  (Scottish Save the Turtles) Party.  Their aim is to reduce the amount of plastic in the Earth’s oceans.  They received the most votes in our class.  Well done!!



This is the first aiders mascot.  They came 2nd with 8 votes.  well done to Katelyn, Tilly ,Evie M, Bethany, Lucie and Alisha .

This Is the howlers. They came 3rd with 4 votes. Well done to Brooklyn, Sharleigh,  Luke,  Chelsea, Lewis and Faith .

This is infinity squad.

They came 4th with 3 votes.  Well done to Katie, Leah, Rhys, Phoebe, Ruth and Ezmie .

This is Heathhall’s Best

They came 5th with 2 votes. Well done to Cameron,  Josh, Ben and Caylan

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