Technology Skills Academy

This term Primary 7 have been working on Technologies during skills academy.  We focussed on engineering and design briefs.

During the first week we created a Powerpoint based on all the different disciplines. We worked in groups to do this. -Jaiden.

In week 2 we needed to create a carriage to travel down a zip line. The teacher told us what we could use.  I found this challenge fun and our carriage didn’t work but if we had another chance we would know how to fix it. – CJ

During week 3 we had to make a logo for our Ferris wheel by finding a picture and adding the text we wanted on it. We developed our graphic design skills. – Moaz

We were put into groups to make a ferris wheel out of cardboard and other materials. The Ferris wheel had to stand, spin and carry passengers. I enjoyed this STEM challenge and it was fun watching other groups. During this I developed my creativity, communication and problem solving skills.- Reuben

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