Term 3 in Primary 2!

We have been busy learning lots of new things in Primary 2 this term.

We have done lots of work in Literacy and are enjoying reading lots of new stories.

We like reading different books by ourselves and sharing stories with a partner.

We are getting better at our spelling and practise spelling our tricky words in lots of different ways.

We are also learning about new sounds and like to learn new words with these sounds in them.

We have been learning lots of new skills when we are reading and we like asking our friends questions about what we are reading. We are also learning to predict what we think will happen and summarise what has happened in the story.

This term we have been learning about the famous Scots poet, Robert Burns. We enjoyed drawing a silhouette portrait of Robert Burns and learned how to draw a tartan pattern.

We have also been learning about symmetry this term and drew pictures with a line of symmetry. We then went outside to look for symmetry all around us. We are also learning to find missing numbers up to 100.


We are learning about healthy foods and can sort different foods. We enjoyed going shopping to buy healthy foods!

In skills academy we have been learning all about design and creativity. We have made very special cushions where we had to draw the template and cut it out very carefully!


We had lots of fun making Valentines Cards to send to someone special!

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