Category Archives: Whole school

Borgue Assembly 10.12.21

This week we wished Mackenzie a happy birthday for the weekend and decided new daily mile challenges. The winners of the house points for Ross were Arthur M and Jake, and the winners in Brighouse were T and Morann.  Well done!

The award winners this week were Arthur S, Morann and Joel for their effort in the school show.

Brilliant job, everybody!

Borgue Harvest assembly and awards!

We had our annual Harvest assembly today and we were sol delighted with he donation to the local food bank in Kirkcudbright. So generous!

We even had a fantastic loaf of harvest bread made by Mrs MacPherson, amazing! Can you spot the field mouse…..?

We have also been practising 2 Harvest songs with Mrs Graham and we also performed these today. Have a listen to some extracts uploaded on our school Twitter feed…

 School Twitter feed


We also had awards and points winners for the last week of term: Arthur, Morann, Eli , Kade, Lily Michael and Samson! Well done to everyone!

Have a fantastic October holiday, we will see you all back in school on the 25th!


Borgue whole school maths and literacy challenge!

On Monday all of P1-7 worked with Mrs Graham, Minnie and Mrs Storrie on a group challenge.

After reading “The Scarecrows’ Wedding” the children were given the task of creating a picture with at least 4 different 2D shapes. Lots of super team work happened , with discussion about which different shapes suited each part of the scarecrow. The older children were also excellent at leading the younger ones.

Well done everyone!

Borgue Assembly 9.9.21

We had another super assembly today with lots of deserving points winners and pupils of the week. We also had some shout outs for pupils who were being tidy and helpful, thank you all!

Nathan, Henry and Jace won the points for Ross, while Eli and Arthur S won the points for Brighouse! 

Our Pupils of the Week were Jake and Elijah , wow!


Welcome back…and the first award winners!

We were delighted to welcome everyone safely back to school after a well-earned summer holiday, and wish last session’s P7 pupils Rosie, Logan and Toby all the very best as they begin the next step on life’s journey…high school! We know they will be amazing superstars!

Last week we also welcomed some new faces in our classes as well as our brand new P1 pupils! They are settling in well to school life and we can’t wait to see their potential!

As Covid cases sadly continue to rise in Dumfries and Galloway, we are continuing with our safety measures from last session to ensure that all pupils and staff are mitigating risk and are as safe as we can be. Masks will still be worn by staff, and there will be lots and lots of hand washing and sanitising! Our pupils have been super when doing this and are showing such great resilience.  We are very proud of them!

In Borgue today we had our first awards session!

Jace and Morann were the winners for completing tasks independently and for super art work.

The winners of the house points were Jace and Arthur M for Ross, and Joel and Arthur S for Brighouse! 

Well done, everyone!