Category Archives: Whole Partnership

Welcome back…and the first award winners!

We were delighted to welcome everyone safely back to school after a well-earned summer holiday, and wish last session’s P7 pupils Rosie, Logan and Toby all the very best as they begin the next step on life’s journey…high school! We know they will be amazing superstars!

Last week we also welcomed some new faces in our classes as well as our brand new P1 pupils! They are settling in well to school life and we can’t wait to see their potential!

As Covid cases sadly continue to rise in Dumfries and Galloway, we are continuing with our safety measures from last session to ensure that all pupils and staff are mitigating risk and are as safe as we can be. Masks will still be worn by staff, and there will be lots and lots of hand washing and sanitising! Our pupils have been super when doing this and are showing such great resilience.  We are very proud of them!

In Borgue today we had our first awards session!

Jace and Morann were the winners for completing tasks independently and for super art work.

The winners of the house points were Jace and Arthur M for Ross, and Joel and Arthur S for Brighouse! 

Well done, everyone!

Partnership Easter Assembly

We held our last virtual assembly today, across the partnership. Classes shared some of the work they have been doing this week about Easter and spring time, including Easter poems, stories about bunnies and beautiful spring / Easter pictures.

We also had a one minute silence to reflect on the past year, living with Covid-19 and coping with all the changes that have affected our lives. We thank everyone who has helped to keep us all going during the two lock-down periods.

We also had some super award winners!


P1-3:  Angus for outstanding class work

P4-7: Olivia for marvellous maths and spelling work


P1-3: Kester for working hard in maths and going up a level in Accelereated Reading.

P4-7: Henry for a super piece of writing.


Thank you to pupils, parents and staff for your hard work during this extremely challenging term. We are a great team!

Have a safe, relaxing spring break.

We will see everyone again in Term 4 on the 12th of April!

Whole Partnership Assembly 12.3.21

Partnership Assembly 12.3.21

Mrs McDevitt welcomed pupils from across the partnership to another virtual assembly, with one more to go for Easter.

We are looking forward to welcoming back our P4-7 pupils on Monday and can’t wait to see everyone’s happy faces.

We were thinking about thanking people who have helped us during lockdown and Mrs McDevitt would like to thank all of the pupils for their hard work, parents for ensuring that pupils are completing as much as they can, and all the staff in school for keeping the learning and childcare going since Christmas. Everyone has been working hard as a team and and it is very much appreciated.

Auchencairn and Borgue pupils have been featured again recently in the Galloway News , which can be seen on the previous post.

We would love to have more pictures of the lovely pancakes from the kits that were sent home to every pupil last week, along with a Scottish themed book.

We also had some super Pupil of the Week awards, well done to everybody!


P1-3: Jamille, for beautifully neat handwriting .

Endeavour award: Iris, for completing work to a high standard.

P4-7: Jean , for completing work to a high standard.

Endeavour award:  Kiera, Murrin, Daisy M, alba, Logan, Toby and Archie for super effort in school, being more independent and confident with their learning.


P1-3: Michael, for working very hard, especially on reading.

P4-7: All pupils, for their hard work and effort during lock-down.