Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Borgue orienteering…indoors!

The weather was truly awful today so P4-7 had a class vote and opted to stay inside…hopefully next week we will get out in the playground.

We looked at map symbols today and also orienteering symbols. We then did a treasure hunt around the school to locate them and guess what they were.

Some very good answers from the pupils but the duck was the hardest to get! Ask your learner if the can remember what it means.

Link Park fun in Auchencairn before the holidays…

We all had a brilliant last day of term with our adventures at the Link Park. Phoebe, Naomi and Jean taught us about food chains, minibeasts and everyone had the chance to make a bird feeder. Both classes had a little bit of rain while we were out but this didn’t dampen spirits or spoil our fun. Huge thanks to Phoebe, Naomi and Jean.

Have a look at some of our photos…