Category Archives: End of term

Borgue Harvest assembly and awards!

We had our annual Harvest assembly today and we were sol delighted with he donation to the local food bank in Kirkcudbright. So generous!

We even had a fantastic loaf of harvest bread made by Mrs MacPherson, amazing! Can you spot the field mouse…..?

We have also been practising 2 Harvest songs with Mrs Graham and we also performed these today. Have a listen to some extracts uploaded on our school Twitter feed…

 School Twitter feed


We also had awards and points winners for the last week of term: Arthur, Morann, Eli , Kade, Lily Michael and Samson! Well done to everyone!

Have a fantastic October holiday, we will see you all back in school on the 25th!


Borgue end of term Prize giving 24.6.21

We had a lovely afternoon of awards and prizes in Borgue yesterday. Even though we couldn’t have our extended family and community in to celebrate with us, we made the best of it. Prizes for effort, endeavour, Mini Olympics, Rotary art, House Points and so many more! We even had some music from Morann who was playing the bagpipe chanter and the Goose! Click to watch Music from Morann

Well done to all  to all the pupils for their hard work over a very difficult and strange year. We are hopeful for better things next session!

We wish you all a happy, restful and safe summer holidays!

We wish you all a happy, restful and safe summer holidays!

Partnership Easter Assembly

We held our last virtual assembly today, across the partnership. Classes shared some of the work they have been doing this week about Easter and spring time, including Easter poems, stories about bunnies and beautiful spring / Easter pictures.

We also had a one minute silence to reflect on the past year, living with Covid-19 and coping with all the changes that have affected our lives. We thank everyone who has helped to keep us all going during the two lock-down periods.

We also had some super award winners!


P1-3:  Angus for outstanding class work

P4-7: Olivia for marvellous maths and spelling work


P1-3: Kester for working hard in maths and going up a level in Accelereated Reading.

P4-7: Henry for a super piece of writing.


Thank you to pupils, parents and staff for your hard work during this extremely challenging term. We are a great team!

Have a safe, relaxing spring break.

We will see everyone again in Term 4 on the 12th of April!

End of Term at Borgue!

It’s the last day of term and pupils have enjoyed their Christmas assembly in school, instead of the community hall as normal.

P4-7 performed “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish you a Merry Christmas” using British Sign Language.

They also shared the story behind Christmas ,of the baby Jesus, born in a manger in Bethlehem.

P1-3 performed Jingle Bells on percussion instruments, which was lovely! Well done everyone!

We also found out who the winners of the Christmas hampers were. Nathan won the children’s hamper and Michael’s mum won the family hamper! Excellent!

Thank you to all that bought tickets, we managed to raise a grand total of £147  for school funds which is amazing!

Finally, we would like to thank all of our Borgue pupils, families and school community for you support the last two terms.

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

End of Term Auchencairn!

It’s been a busy week here in Auchencairn! All the pupils are excited for Christmas and it certainly isn’t long!

Lottie, Alba and Rosie have been busy tidying the big class library and they’ve done a super job!

The pupils in the big class have also been busy making Christmas tree decorations with Mrs McDevitt , which should be coming home with them for the holidays.

And finally we had our end of term Christmas assembly in school.  Lots of winners and prizes given out!

  • Pupil of the week in the big class was Alba, well done!
  • Christmas hamper winner – Mrs McClure ( Daisy’s Mum) Wow!
  • Children’s hamper winner – Christopher, brilliant!
  • Rotary ‘Young Photographer’ competition. Certificates were awarded for entrants and First place in the P6-7 section was Archie, and second place for P4-5 Forrest! Well done boys!

We would like to say thank you to everyone in our school family and the wider community for their support since returning to school in August.

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday!