On Friday 10th October we held our Harvest Assembly. The pupils brought in items for the Harvest table and they also performed some musical items for the parents and grandparents. After the assembly the P5-7 pupils delivered 25 Harvest parcels to the elderly in New Galloway.
Tag Archives: responsible citizens
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Pupils in P7 at Kells Primary raised over £700 (so far) by hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Cross Keys Hotel in New Galloway. Pupils planned and advertised the coffee morning and served parents and friends on the day. They also made collection tins for local businesses to collect donations for the charity. The pupils would like to thank everyone from the local community who supported the event.
Well done P7!
Gardening Club
This term we have started a Gardening Club at Kells. The pupils and parents involved have been very busy tidying up the vegetable garden and the other borders in the school grounds. Daffodils and tulips were also planted for the spring. Hopefully the bulbs will grow and add more colour to our school grounds. Gardening Club will return in the spring.
Sport Relief 2014
£60 was raised for this worthwhile charity by selling the Sports Relief wristbands to the pupils and staff!
Philippines Fundraiser
Three enterprising young pupils from Kells have been raising money for the Philippines Typhoon Appeal. Bronnen, Jasmin and Rory worked together and without any adult support to raise the astonishing sum of £229.85. They placed collection jars in local shops and also recently completed a sponsored bike ride. The children would like to say a big thank you to everyone from the Glenkens who sponsored them.
Christmas Events at Kells
M&M Productions will be performing the pantomime ‘Dick Whittington’ in the school hall on the afternoon of Monday 9th December. Dalry Primary pupils wills be joining us and the children from Dalry Nursery have also been invited.
Our Christmas Lunch will be on Wednesday 11th December at the cost of £1.75. Please contact the school office or Mrs McSkimming if you would like to order a Christmas Lunch for your child.
The Christmas Nativity will be on Monday 16th December. As usual there will be an afternoon and evening performance. This year it is the turn of P1-4 and they will be performing ‘Hey Ewe!’ Refreshments will be available after both performances. Raffle tickets will be on sale for the chance to win the Christmas Hamper.
The PTA are currently organising a Coffee & Cake afternoon in the school hall. This will take place on Thursday 19th December. There will also be games for the children to play as well as the ever popular cake stall. The raffle will be drawn to find out who has won the Christmas Hamper. Please come along and support the school.
On Friday 20th December there will be a Christmas Service at Dalry Church for Carspairn, Dalry and Kells pupils. Pupils will then walk back to Dalry School for hot chocolate and homemade shortbread after the service.
The date and time of the Christmas Party has still to be confirmed. We are still waiting for confirmation from Santa!
P5-7 Fair Trade Talk
The P5-7 class found out about Fair Trade as part of their India topic on the 19th November. Katherine Naylor visited the school and spoke to the class about the importance of supporting Fair Trade by purchasing items with the special logo on it. Katherine also brought lots of Fair Trade goods for the pupils to look at and buy.
Children in Need 2013
The Pupil Council decided to hold a ‘Wear What You Want Day’ to raise money for this very worthy charity. Pupils were dressed casually, in ‘onesies’ and also some in fancy dress. Evie, Amy, Laura, Florrie, Georgiana and Jasmin were very enterprising and baked cakes to sell to pupils at break time, as well as organising a luck dip. They raised £42.43. Well done girls!
In total the school raised £78.43 for Children in Need this year. Thank you to everyone who helped support this event.
Finance Education Workshops
All pupils at Kells have recently been involved in Finance Education workshops. Bev Wilkinson, Finance Education Training Officer, delivered the ‘Money Box’ workshops to P1-4 and ‘Money Talks’ workshops to P4-7. Here are some photographs of the P4-7 pupils finding out about the different types of bank and store cards available in society. P4-7 pupils completed a series of tasks in their ‘Money Talks’ workbook and then were tested on what they had learned by participating in a quiz. The winner was Bronnen, second was Murray and third was Jasmin.