Tag Archives: fundraising

Blood Bike Visit

Recently Judith Sauberlich and Dave Hook from Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes visited Kells. The pupils were told all about the voluntary service where blood and medical supplies are transported around the region from one hospital to another. They also got the opportunity to ask questions, and more importantly, sit on the motorbike. The pupils also came up with some fundraising ideas for later in the school year to raise money to support the work of this valuable service.










Kells Quiz Night

The PTA have organised a Quiz Night for Friday 22nd March. This will take place in the school hall at 7.30pm. The quiz master will be Mr Keith Dickie. The cost is £4.50 per person, which includes a light buffet. Please contact the school or a member of the PTA  if you would like to enter a team.

Christmas Fayre 2012

Kells held their annual Christmas Fayre on Saturday 8th December. £530.35 was raised on the day by the PTA. The raffle for the Christmas Hamper will be drawn on Wednesday 19th December, as well as the winners of the other competitions announced, after ‘The Angry Hotel Man’ evening performance by P5-7 pupils. A big thank you to all the parents and friends of the school who helped at, or supported the Christmas Fayre. Your support is much appreciated by all the staff and pupils at Kells.