Tag Archives: P5-7

Professor Glen Chilton visits Kells and Dalry


On 12th November Professor Glen Chilton from James Cook University in Australia visited the pupils at Kells Primary and also the primary pupils at Dalry School. The presentation was titled Adventures with Creatures that were Thought to be Extinct.’ Professor Glen told the pupils about his adventures all over the world looking for and studying animals like the black footed ferret in the western states of America and the iguana in Jamaica.  The pupils especially enjoyed looking at his photographs of these creatures.  He also took time to answer a range of questions from the pupils on the creatures that featured in his presentation. The visit to the schools was kindly organised by the Stewartry Ornithologists Club who hold their monthly meeting at Kells Primary School.

Harvest Thanksgiving Assembly

Our Harvest Assembly was held on Monday 5th October in the school hall. The pupils brought in lots of food for our Harvest Table as you can see from the photographs below. Our School Chaplain, Dr Bartholomew,  told the pupils a story,  P1-5 sang ‘Teddy Bear Rock’, P5-7 performed ‘Vegetable Rap’ and the whole school sang ‘Autumn Days’ and ‘The Sun Came Shining Down.’ The following day pupils from P5-7 delivered 31 harvest parcels to the elderly in New Galloway.







Carbon Busters


Emma Platt from the Carbon Centre delivered a series of workshops to the P5-7 class this term. The 6 workshops were –

Introduction to Climate Change

Energy, Transport and Climate Change

Food and Climate Change

Waste and Climate Change

Biodiversity and Climate Change

Forests and their part in the Ecosystem



Macmillan award for Kells



Angela McCormack, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan, visited the school recently with their mascot Mugsy to present an award and certificate to recognise the fundraising efforts for the last 22 years. Since 1993 the school has raised a fantastic £11,863.76! Recognition was also paid to former head teacher Mrs Plummer and staff involved over the years, together with former pupils and members of the community for all their support.


Galloway Music Festival Results

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Class 18: Recorder Groups – 2 or more parts

Swinging Kells                                                    84 MERIT

Class 16: Recorder Duets

Sarah & Sophie               Beg.       Ode to Joy          85 COMMENDED

Teri & Freya                   Beg.       Ode to Joy          86 COMMENDED 3RD PLACE


Class 12: Descant Recorder Solos

Freya                  Gr1         Scherzino                            3RD PLACE

Sarah                  Beg.       Old MacDonald                 3RD EQUAL

Teri                      Beg.       Dear Liza                              2ND PLACE

Brooke                 Beg.       Old MacDonald                 1ST PLACE

Sophie                  Beg.       Dear Liza                              3RD EQUAL



Class 51: Primary School Choirs

My Teacher must be an alien                      83 MERIT

Dark Island


Class 43: Vocal Solos

Sophie                               Beg.       86 COMMENDED   –  WINNER OF THE CREE CUP

Florrie                               Gr1         86 COMMENDED

Charlotte                          Gr2         82 MERIT

Georgiana                         Gr2         2ND PLACE

Amy                                   Gr1         82 MERIT

Evie                                    Gr2         83 MERIT

Laura                                 Gr2         83 MERIT


Class 11: String Duet Beginner

Evie  & Georgiana          85 COMMENDED

Class   : Viola Solo Beginners

Georgiana                    82 MERIT

Class 4: Violin Solo Beginners

Evie                          82 MERIT

Class 21: Clarinet Solos Beginner

Amy                            88 DISTINCTION   1ST PLACE – WINNER OF THE CARTY CUP

Whole School

Class 73: Scots Verse

P1-3                       Summer                78 MODERATE

Dante                    79 MODERATE

P4                          Brooke                   82 MERIT

Sarah                     82 MERIT

Teri                        83 MERIT

P5                           Sophie                   83 MERIT

Henry                    83 MERIT

P6                           Arran                     82 MERIT

                              Charlotte               82 MERIT

Ben                         82 MERIT

P7                           Finlay                     87 DISTINCTION   2ND PLACE

Florrie                   83 MERIT

Amy                       82 MERIT


Well done Brooke, Sophie (P5) and Amy on winning your respective class and also to all the pupils for the way they performed at the Festival.

Easter Assembly 2015

The Easter Assembly was held in the Hall as normal for the pupils and parents on Thursday 2nd April. Dr Bartholomew spoke to the pupils about the meaning of Easter. He was ably assisted by upper primary pupils who did the Bible readings. Both classes also  entertained the parents with some of their items from the Galloway Music Festival.
