Tag Archives: effective contributors

Friday Enrichment

Kells children have just started a programme of Friday Enrichment each Friday afternoon. The whole school is working together, with older children supporting and guiding the younger children in a variety of tasks. The younger children are learning a lot from the older children, with everyone really enjoying working together. So far the children have done a treasure hunt, outdoor art and outdoor maths.

Easter Fun at Kells

Kells children had great fun at Easter, decorating eggs and then rolling them in the field behind the school. Ellie from P1-3 and Sophie H from P4-7 won the egg decorating competition with our good friends and supporters Mrs MacIntosh and Mrs Brydson judging. Again many thanks to Mr Maxwell for allowing us to go up to the rocky hill behind the school for our annual egg roll.

Baking with Jax

The P1-3 class had a very enjoyable afternoon on Tuesday 27th March baking Easter Muffins with Jackie. The children had fun measuring out ingredients, cracking eggs, stirring and beating the batter and making delicious lemon icing. the eating of the muffins was the best part. Many thanks once again to Jackie for giving up her time to give the children at Kells the experience of cooking.


World’s Biggest Coffee Morning


Primary 7 pupils hosted the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Cross Keys Hotel last week. The pupils have raised an amazing £901.01 so far with some money still to come in. The pupils would like to thank the New Galloway community for supporting the event. A big thank you, as always,  to Miss O’Hare for allowing the pupils to use the Cross Keys Hotel for the coffee morning.  Thank you also to parents and family members who attended, worked at, donated baking and raffle prizes to the Macmillan Coffee Morning.



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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Pupils in P7 at Kells Primary raised £774 (so far) by hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Cross Keys Hotel in New Galloway on Wednesday 7th October. Pupils planned and advertised the coffee  morning and served parents and friends on the day. They also made collection tins for local businesses to collect donations for the charity. The pupils would like to thank everyone from the local community who supported the event. Well done P7!










Harvest Thanksgiving Assembly

Our Harvest Assembly was held on Monday 5th October in the school hall. The pupils brought in lots of food for our Harvest Table as you can see from the photographs below. Our School Chaplain, Dr Bartholomew,  told the pupils a story,  P1-5 sang ‘Teddy Bear Rock’, P5-7 performed ‘Vegetable Rap’ and the whole school sang ‘Autumn Days’ and ‘The Sun Came Shining Down.’ The following day pupils from P5-7 delivered 31 harvest parcels to the elderly in New Galloway.







Macmillan award for Kells



Angela McCormack, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan, visited the school recently with their mascot Mugsy to present an award and certificate to recognise the fundraising efforts for the last 22 years. Since 1993 the school has raised a fantastic £11,863.76! Recognition was also paid to former head teacher Mrs Plummer and staff involved over the years, together with former pupils and members of the community for all their support.