Tag Archives: confident individuals

Galloway Music Festival 2013

A number of pupils represented Kells at the Galloway Music Festival this year. All the pupils were a credit to the school.  Here is our roll of honour –

Kelsie – 1st place with Hannah in the Beginners Duet class, 2nd in the Juniors Duet with Bronnen and 3rd place in the Vocal Solo for Grade 3.

Hannah – 1st place with Kelsie in the Beginners Duet and 3rd equal in the Vocal Solo for Grade 2.

Murray – 3rd equal in the Vocal Solo for Grade 2.

Evie – 3rd equal in the Vocal Solos for Beginners.

Thomas – 3rd equal in the Vocal Solo for Beginners and 3rd in the P6 Scots Verse class.

The Choir of 11 – 2nd place plus received a Distinction in the Hymn & Folk Song class.

P4-7 Choir – Received a Distinction in the Primary Choir 1-3 Teachers class.

Bronnen – 1st place in P6 Poem or Monologue, 1st place in the P6-7 Prose reading, 2nd in the Vocal Solo for Grade 2 and 2nd place in the Juniors Duet with Kelsie.

Well done Everyone!

RHET Food & Farming Day at Wallets Mart, CD.

The pupils of P5-7 and the senior pupils from Carsphairn enjoyed their visit to the RHET Food and Farming Day at Wallets Mart in Castle Douglas recently.  The pupils were involved in a range of interesting farming activities over the course of the day. Below are some photographs of the visit.

Thomas - Best Auctioneer!

Annual Scots Verse Competition

Recently we held our annual Scots Verse competition. Mr Mike Duguid, our guest judge, had the very difficult task of choosing the pupils who were going to represent the school at the Galloway Music Festival. 

The results were as follows –

P1 1st Dante  2nd Vanessa

P2&3 1st Robert 2nd Sarah 3rd Gracie

P4 1st Cosmas 2nd Ben 3rd Charlotte

P5 1st Georgiana 2nd Florrie 3rd Laura

P6 1st Bronnen 2nd Jasmin 3rd Thomas

P7 1st Kyle 2nd Kelsie 3rd Oliver

 Good luck to the P2-7 pupils representing the school at the Galloway Music Festival!

Burns Supper 2013

P7 pupils at Kells Primary hosted the annual Burns Supper in the school hall recently.

Invited guests, pupils, school staff, parents and family members enjoyed the speeches and entertainment that was provided by P5/6/7 pupils.

Erin and Amberleigh delivered the welcome address and introduced each invited guest and speaker. The Selkirk Grace was then recited by Oliver. Hannah carried in the haggis to the skirl o’ the pipes played by Mr Glen Cunningham. Kyle and Oliver  recited the Address tae a Haggis. The primary 6 pupils helped serve the traditional meal of haggis, neeps and tatties.

The Immortal Memory was presented by Mia and Poppy..

The Toast tae the Lassies was presented by Freddie and Kyle.

The Lassies Reply was made by Hannah and Kelsie.

There were recitations of Scots Poetry from Florrie, Georgiana, Yelena & Jasmin.

The School Choir sang Loch Lomond and Flower of Scotland.

A very enjoyable evening was concluded with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne.

Our Top Table
Piping in the Haggis
Don't drop it Hannah!
Addressing the Haggis
Addressing the Haggis Part 2
The Immortal Memory
Toast to the Lassies
The Reply
Willie Wastle
Glen the Sheepdug
Wee Kirk Moose
Choir getting ready
Flower of Scotland & Loch Lomond
After Auld Lang Syne!

Christmas Concert 2012

This year’s Christmas Concert was on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday 19th December. P1-4 opened the concert by playing a tune on their recorders and then singing ‘Jingle Bells.’ P5-7 then performed ‘The Angry Hotel Man.’  The raffle for the Christmas Hamper was drawn at the end of the performance by the PTA. The winner was Miss J.  McQueen.  The evening was concluded with the parents and friends enjoying refreshments,  mince pies and shortbread.  Well done to all the pupils who performed!


Laura, Charlotte, Eva and James recently completed the Bikeability Scheme with our trained volunteers, Mrs June Hay and Mrs Catherine Phillips. The training sessions focussed on different aspects of bike control. There will be opportunities for other children to participate in the Bikeability Scheme in the Spring. Well done to the pupils involved plus a big thank you to our cycling trainers.

RSNO Visit to P5-7

Musicians from the royal Scottish National Orchestra visited the school for two sessions in October and November to work with the upper pupils. The pupils worked on a project titled, Supersonic. The pupils were involved in singing activities as well as creative music making. We were also fortunate to hear the very talented musicians playing their instruments.

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2012

Primary 7 pupils hosted the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Cross Keys Hotel last week. The pupils have raised an amazing £1007.49 so far with money still to come in. The pupils would like to thank the New Galloway community for supporting the event. A big thank you to Miss O’Hare for allowing the pupils to use the Cross Keys Hotel for the coffee morning.  Thank you also to parents and family members who attended, worked at, donated baking and raffle prizes to the Macmillan Coffee Morning.