August Newsletter

Welcome Back!

I hope you have all had a relaxing holiday and are set for another busy session at Kells Primary.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new pupils and their families to Kells. I am sure the pupils, staff, parents and friends of the school will make you feel most welcome.


There have been a few changes to the staffing this session. We are delighted that Mrs Meredith returns to share the P5-7 class with Miss Lamont and Ms Tranter, Learning Assistant, has moved across to Kells from Dalry.

Here is an updated staff list.

Acting Head Teacher:                     Mrs Smith (based at Dalry School)

Depute Head:                                   Mr Gray

P1-3 class teacher:                          Mrs Muir

P5-7 class teachers:                        Mrs Meredith (Monday & Tuesday)

Miss Lamont (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

SfL Teacher:                                     Mrs Hermon (Thursday a.m.)

Learning Assistants:                       Ms Harper (All week)

Ms Tranter (All week)

Mrs Brydson (Wed. & Thurs. 10am – 1.15pm)

Clerical Assistant:                            Mrs Best

(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and every second Thursday)

Catering Manager:                           Mrs Pringle

Janitor / Cleaner:                             Mrs Daly

Cleaner:                                             Mrs Povall

I will continue to be Acting Depute at Dalry Primary until further notice. However, I will be at Kells on a Monday afternoon, all day Tuesday, Thursday morning and Friday afternoon.

On some occasions when you telephone the school you may be forwarded to the Dalry Office as a result of the school only having 23 clerical assistant hours per week.

Dates for Diary

Tue 30th August                            Childline Presentation/Workshop for P1-3 & P5-7

Sat 3rd September                         FODS Festival at Dalry School  3 – 9 p.m.

Tue 6th September pm                  P7 meeting Dalry secondary staff with Mr. Gray

Wed 7th September                       Open Afternoon from 3 – 5p.m.

Tue 13th September                      Roald Dahl Day (more details to follow)

Mon. 26th Sept – Fri. 30th Sept     Autumn Walk to School Week

Thursday, 6th October                    Macmillan Coffee Morning @ Cross Keys Hotel

(10.00 a.m. until 12 noon)

Thurs. 13th October                         Harvest Thanksgiving Assembly

(time to be confirmed)

Fri. 14th October                  Last day of term 1

Fri. 14th October am                         Delivery of Harvest parcels by P5-7

Mon. 31st October pm                      Hallowe’en Party in the Hall

Fri. 18th November                           Children in Need fundraiser

Tues. 22nd November                    P6 Fire Safety Talk on at 1.30pm

Parent Board / PTA

The AGM is on Thursday, 1st September.  It would be good to have as many parents as possible in attendance, with our new parents particularly welcome!

School Uniform

Last session a number of visitors to the school commented on how smartly dressed the pupils were. Please continue to encourage your child / children to wear the school uniform. The school keeps a small supply of polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans for purchase during the session. Please speak to Mrs Best if you require a free school meals / clothing grant form for this session.

P.E. Kit

All the pupils have now settled in to the new school session and are getting used to their class timetable. Please could the pupils bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday so that it can be washed at the weekend if necessary. This means the pupils always have their kit available to them and will not miss out on their regular P.E. with Mr Carmichael or with their class teacher.

After School Clubs

Pupils from Kells have the opportunity to attend the ‘Active & Achieving’ Club on a Wednesday after school at Dalry School Hall. P1-3 is from 3.30 – 4.30pm and P4-7 is from 4.30 – 5.30pm. Andy Marvelley, Active Schools Coach, will take the sessions each week. Each week the pupils participate in a different sport / activity.

Mark Turner, Active Schools Co-ordinator for the Glenkens, will continue to run the multi-sports after school club on a Thursday.

Letters have already gone home for both clubs via pupil post. Please contact the school office if you would like another letter.

P5-7 pupils from Kells have also been invited to attend the Dalry Primary football after school club. It will be taken by David Steward, Dalry Janitor, on a Wednesday from 3.30 – 4.30pm. Please let Mr Gray know if you are interested in attending.

P7 / S1 Transition

There has been a change to the P7 transition programme. P7 pupils will only go to Dalry School on a Thursday morning in terms two and three.

Flu Immunisation for all Primay School Children

The flu vaccine is offered to every primary school child in Scotland. Consent forms were issued at the start of the session. Only pupils who have handed back these forms will be immunised in the coming months.

School Lunches and Tuck Shop

Just a reminder that a school meal costs £1.75. It would be appreciated if all dinner money could be paid on a Monday morning.

The tuck shop continues to be a great success at break time each morning. Prices are as follows –

Toast 21p, yoghurt 42p, milk 20p apple juice 42p, fruit 42p, biscuit 47p and aqua juice cuplets 32p. Pupils place their order before 9.30am on the day.

FODS Fest 2016

Friends of Dalry School (FODS) are hosting a music and arts festival on Saturday 3rd September, from 3 – 9pm at Dalry School. This event is to celebrate the secondary being 50 years old and the primary being 85 years old. Tickets can be purchased at Dalry School Office. £8 for adults and £3 for children. You can also turn up and pay on the day.

Replacement Water Bottles and Caps

Replacement water bottles and caps can be purchased at the school office. The prices are £1 for a new bottle and only 20p for a new cap.

Reading Books Amnesty

Please could you have a look at home for any school reading books that have not been returned to the appropriate class teacher. Thank you.

Kells Book Club

Any orders for the above should be received no later than Wednesday, 31st August, please.

Autumn Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week is taking place from Monday 26th September – Friday 30th September.  We would always encourage the children to walk to school if they can, but appreciate that this is not always possible.

Update Forms

Update Forms were sent home recently asking that you check the information that is held by us for your child/ren and make any necessary changes. We have received a number of these back, but not all. It would be appreciated if these forms could be returned to school as soon as possible, please.


Our monthly Whist Drive which is organised by Heather McIntosh raised a terrific £450.40 for school funds last session. Thank you very much to all the parents who made sandwiches, baked cakes and donated raffle prizes. It is very much appreciated. Please contact the school office if you would like to be included in the sandwich / baking rota.  Please note that even if you are not a baker, but feel you would be able to provide some biscuits, that would be much appreciated.

Rag Bag Collection

Last session our Rag Bag collections raised £430 for school funds. Please remember the Rag Bag Bin is available at all times for any wearable clothes, paired shoes, handbags and belts. Our next collection will be on 15th December. Thank you.

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