Welcome Back!

August Newsletter

I hope you all had a relaxing holiday and are set for another busy session at Kells Primary.

 I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new pupils and their families to Kells. I am sure the pupils, parents and friends of the school will make you feel most welcome.

 I am delighted to inform you that there have been no changes to the staff in the school from last session. For the benefit of the new families here is a staff list –

Head Teacher:                        Mr Simpson (based at Dalry School)

Depute Head:                          Mr Gray

P1-4 class teacher:                Mrs Muir *

P5-7 class teachers:              Mrs Deshayes & Mr Gray

SfL Teacher:                           Mrs Barratt

Classroom Assistants:           Mrs McIntosh & Mrs Brydson

SfL Assistants:                        Miss Wilson & Mrs McClelland

Playground Supervisor:          Mrs McIntosh

Clerical Assistants:                 Mrs Best (Mon & Thurs all day and Fri until lunchtime)

                                                Mrs Dawson (Tues & Wed)

Catering Manager:                  Mrs McSkimming

Janitor / Cleaner:                     Mrs Daly

* Please note that Mrs Muir will be absent for the first five weeks of the new session. Miss Duka will be covering the class until Mrs Muir returns.  

Dates for Diary

Mon 26th August                                  P1 pupils start full days

Thurs 29th August                               Start of P7 Transition mornings at Dalry

Thurs 12th/Fri 13th Sept                      P5 Residential at Carlingwark in Castle Douglas

Mon 30th Sept – Fri 4th Oct                 Autumn Walk to School Week

Fri 11th October                                  Harvest Thanksgiving (9.30am in Hall)

Last day of term 1

Mon 28th October                                Start of term 2

P7 / S1 Transition

P7 pupils will be going to Dalry School every Thursday morning, starting on 29th August. Over the course of the session the pupils will study French, Social Subjects, Science, Technical, IT and Sports / Health & Wellbeing. Pupils will be able to travel to Dalry on the regular school bus from the Old Bank in New Galloway or be dropped off at Dalry School by parents. All the pupils will return to Kells after lunch in the service bus around 12.30pm.  The pupils will be met off the bus by a member of Kells staff and escorted back to school.

School Lunches and Tuck Shop

Just a reminder that a school meal costs £1.75. It would be very helpful if all dinner money could be paid on a Monday morning. Thank you.

The tuck shop continues to be a great success at break time each morning.

Prices are as follows –

Toast 21p, yoghurt 42p, milk 17p, apple juice 42p, fruit 42p, biscuit 47p and aqua juice cuplets 32p. Pupils place their order before 9.30am on the day.

P.E. Kit

All the pupils have now settled in to the new school session and are getting used to their class timetable. However, a number of pupils are regularly forgetting to bring their P.E. kit to school. Please could the pupils bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday so that it can be washed at the weekend if necessary. This means the pupils always have their kit available to them and will not miss out on their regular P.E. with Mrs Johnstone or with their class teacher.

School Uniform

Last term several visitors to the school commented on how smartly dressed the pupils were. Please continue to encourage your child / children to wear the school uniform. The school keeps a small supply of polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans for purchase during the session. Thank you.  

Reading Books

We are missing a few books from the Literacy World scheme which we use in the P5/6/7 class. Please could you have a look at home for any school reading books that have not been returned to the class teacher.

Autumn Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week is taking place from Monday 30th September – Friday, 4th October.  We would always encourage the children to walk to school if they can, but appreciate that this is not always possible.

Update Forms

Update Forms were sent home at the end of last term asking that you check the information that is held by us for your child/ren and make any changes that were required.  We have received a number of these back, but not all.  Mrs. Best is sending out another copy where necessary and it would be appreciated if these could be returned to school as soon as possible, please.

Book Club

All orders to be received by next Thursday, 29th August, please. 

Rag Bag Collection

Last session our Rag Bag collection raised £189 for school funds. Please remember the Rag Bag Bin is available at all times for any unwanted textiles. Our next collection will be sometime in December.  Date to follow. Thank you.

Head lice

As I am sure you are aware head lice are a continual problem for all schools and by working together we can try to eliminate them from Kells Primary. It is good practice for girls with long hair to have it tied up at school. It is also important that you check your child’s hair on a regular basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you want additional help and support from the school nurse.

School Contact Details

Telephone 01644 420340

Email: koffice931@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

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