September / October Newsletter

Harvest Thanksgiving

Dr Bartholomew will be joining us for a special assembly on Friday, 12th October at 9.15am to celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving. Parents are most welcome to attend. As always, we would be most grateful if the pupils could bring something for this special assembly, i.e. fresh fruit & vegetables, tins of soup, biscuits etc.  All the items brought in by the pupils will then be distributed to elderly members of the community. Please could you let the school office know if you are able to help with the distribution of the food parcels. Thank you.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Just a reminder that the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning will take place at The Cross Keys Hotel on Wednesday 3rd October, from 10 am until 12 noon. There are a number of ways in which you can support this event and help raise money for the Macmillan charity. For example, you could bake, help out on the day, donate a raffle prize or just attend and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.  

P.E. Kit

All the pupils have now settled in to the new school session and are getting used to their class timetable. However, a number of pupils are regularly forgetting to bring their P.E. kit to school. Please could the pupils bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday so that it can be washed at the weekend if necessary. This means the pupils always have their kit available to them and will not miss out on their regular P.E. with Mrs Johnstone or with their class teacher.

Reading Books

We are missing a few books from the Literacy World scheme which we use in the P5/6/7 class. Please could you have a look at home for any school reading books that have not been returned to the class teacher.

School Photographs

Tempest, the company who now take the school photographs (replacing Angus Leigh) will be visiting Kells to take individual and family photographs on Thursday 8th November. More information will follow in the coming weeks.

Rag Bag Collection

Please remember the Rag Bag Bin at the top of the playground is available at all times for any unwanted textiles.  This has generated over £250 for school funds in the last year. Thank you.

Head lice

As I am sure you are aware head lice are a continual problem for all schools and by working together we can try to eliminate them from Kells Primary. It is good practice for girls with long hair to have it tied up at school. It is also important that you check your child’s hair on a regular basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you want additional help and support from the school nurse.

Autumn Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week is taking place from Monday 1st – Friday, 5th October.  We would always encourage the children to walk to school if they can, but appreciate that this is not always possible.

Whist Drive

Our next Whist Drive takes place on Thursday of next week, 4th October, and, as always, we would be grateful for any small donations of whist/raffle prizes.  The catering will be as follows:-

Sandwiches                                                            Biscuits/Home Baking

Mrs. Alison Newbery                                            Mrs. Lynn Grieve

Mrs. Melinda McGaw                                           Mrs. Alison Best

Mrs. Jean Jones                                                     Mrs. Jayne Grimwood

Mrs. HelenKirkpatrick                              Mrs.Ros Edington                                                                        

Due to children moving on to secondary school, we have lost quite a number of parents who were on our catering rota. Following a recent appeal for more helpers, we did have one mum who volunteered to go on to the rota, but we would welcome a few more! All that is involved is providing half a loaf of sandwiches or some biscuits or home baking once a month.  The Whist Drive raises approximately £100 for our school every month which benefits all the children, so if you feel you would be able to help, please give your name to the school office staff.  The more names on the rota, the less often your turn comes around!  Thank you.

School Lunches & Tuck Shop

The pupils should have brought home the new lunch menu this week. Mrs McSkimming has been delighted with the uptake for school lunches this session and would like to thank the parents for their support.

The tuck shop continues to be a great success at break time each morning.

Prices are as follows –

Toast 20p, yoghurt 35p, milk 16p, apple juice 40p, fruit 40p, biscuit 35p and aqua juice cuplets 30p. Pupils place their order before 9.30am on the day.

Future Events

Tuesday 2nd October – P5/6/7 from Kells and P6/7 from Dalry are involved in a Question and answer session with Alex Fergusson MSP as part of their topic on the ‘Glenkens Commons.’

 Thursday 4th October – P5/6 participating in ‘Giants in the Forest’ project at the Otter’s Pool on the outskirts of New Galloway.

Friday 12th October – RSNO Musicians visiting P4-7 pupils to deliver a workshop.

Thursday 1st November – Parent Board Meeting at 6.30pm in the school

Wednesday 7th November – Dalry Small School Sports, P4-7 pupils, 10 -12 noon.

October Holiday

The school will be closed from Monday, 15th October until Friday, 26th October inclusive and will re-open Monday, 29th October, 2012.

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