Through our Pupil Council we decided on what the things we value at our school are:
Faith and family Being safe
Being responsible Being creative
Fun in our learning Partnership
Confidence to learn Being there for me
Gospel Values Being effective
Being successful Believing in ourselves
Keeping going and not giving up
Treating everyone equally
Thinking about everyone all over the world
Showing what we can do
Our Curriculum Rationale
The curriculum in St. Andrew’s Primary is defined as the totality of the experiences each child receives in their learning.
Its purpose is to offer a coherent, broad, general education throughout, but one that is grounded in several key themes.
The curriculum is embedded within an ethos of Catholic Christianity and its impact on community.
It focuses on enabling our young people to be literate and numerate.
It provides a progressive approach to developing creative, cooperative, imaginative, lifelong learners who communicate confidently and embrace the challenge of solving problems (in their widest sense) in an increasingly skilled manner.
The curriculum actively promotes fitness and health, inclusion, charity and tolerance.
It does all this within an ongoing commitment to making learning fun for children and engaging them through technologies and maximizing their talents and those of adults within the context of our school, community and wider world.