P6 Upcycling Challenge

Today the class were challenged to reuse and upcycle newspaper to create new fashion designs. Teamwork, creativity and initiative were all used brilliantly and a lot of fun was had too! The teams explained their designs and thought processes as their models walked our class catwalk – it was great to hear how they responded and adapted their designs to problems faced. Well done P6!

Considering the design.
Fitting on time.
Making adjustments.

On the catwalk!
On the catwalk!

P6 Learning about WW2

Our knowledge about WW2 is growing in P6! Today we spent some time outside having fun and learning about Morse Code and Anderson Shelters. While half the group ‘parachuted’ in to our school forest and had to locate their Morse Code Kit before deciphering messages and creating some of their own; the other half were using their maths and art skills to measure out the size of an Anderson shelter before kitting it out for use! The children then swapped over to try both activities. We have also been learning about evacuees, rationing, The Battle of Britain and the Blitz. We ended the day trying on the gas masks we had made. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our learning.

Rotary Speech Making Competition

Many congratulations to our four semi-finalists that represented our school brilliantly in the Rotary Club’s Speechmaking Competition last night.

Avi and Emily in P7 both secured a place in the final to be held in March – a fantastic achievement! Grant and Kayla in P6 delivered super speeches too and although were unsuccessful in going forward to the next stage should be extremely proud of themselves.

Well done again to all of them!

P.S Photos to follow!

P6 Spooky Stories for Halloween

P6 gave our P3 and P4 pupils a treat yesterday when they shared  the spooky stories they had created with them. All the stories were different and had spooky aspects, but the P6 pupils knew who their target audience was, so did not make them too scary. The P6s had also created comprehension questions to check their audience members were listening well and the P3s and P4s showed excellent listening skills! Finally the younger children filled in feedback sheets for the P6s and their responses were very positive about the quality of the P6 work and how it was delivered.

Well done P6 on all your hard work!

P3 Victorian Celebration of Learning

P3 had a brilliant afternoon on Wednesday when they shared their learning about all things Victorian with their families. We had kept all our knowledge top secret to surprise our families and it was lovely to now be able to share lots of different things. All the children developed their talking skills as they presented the information that they had  chosen to share. A variety of other skills were shown off too and the children were really proud of their efforts.

Some comments from the class included:- ” I liked the way that everyone had a role and everyone did really well” (Gemma) ” I liked trying the gruel…but my mum didn’t!” ( Reece) ” I can now write my name in Victorian cursive writing” (Chloe) ” I remembered lots of facts about Victorian workhouses” ( Kevin).

The children loved hearing the feedback from their families too. Comments included –  ” I enjoyed finding out all about the trip to New Lanark”, ” I thought the kids did a fab job with great information and talking clearly”, “I thought there was a great variety in the different parts of the celebration – informative parts, funny parts and entertaining parts”, ” I learned such a lot especially about Queen Victoria and Prince Albert”.

A big thank you to all who attended. Some pictures of our trip to New Lanark and our Victorian Celebration of Learning follow.

P3 Dairy Farm Visit

P3 had a fantastic morning on Friday visiting Mr Purdie’s Dairy Farm at New Abbey. This followed on from an informative talk that he had given in class on Thursday. We toured the farm first and Mr Purdie and his daughter Elspeth discussed land use on the farm and the beautiful surrounding area. We even saw some fishermen hoping to catch some trout for their tea on Lock Kinder! We then had a look at some of the dairy herd and were lucky enough to see some new baby calves just born that morning. The milking parlour was our next stop and Mr Purdie explained how the milking equipment worked and how often the herd are milked. Our visit ended with all our delighted P3’s feeding some calves with big bottles of milk. The children learned a lot from this visit and will be able make comparisons soon when we visit a Beef farm next. 

P3 Roman School Trip

Yesterday P3 had a super day at The Roman Army Museum and Vindolanda Roman Fort. Here are some of the class comments about the trip.

Monica said, “It was amazing!” Jamie loved pretending to be a Roman soldier, ” I liked being on look out at the Fort watch towers. It was fantastic!” he said. Amelia thought the archaeologists were very interesting. She said, ” I like the pottery that they found when we were there. I was the sixth person to touch it.” Izzy thought the hologram teacher in the museum was funny and Mateusz thought the 3D movie was, “Cool!” Tori said, “I found the museum interesting.” Franci enjoyed learning about the butchers shop in the fort and Alba said, ” We all likes trying to be Roman Archers with the bow and arrow.” Niamh bought a gem bug from the shop and Tom summed up the whole day by cheering, ” It was EPIC!!!!!!”




P3 Roman Topic Afternoons

Make a Roman Fort Knex Challenge

For the last few weeks P3 have been have been very busy on Wednesday afternoons investigating all things Roman as part of their current topic. They have shared their learning at Soft Finish with the family members that have managed to come along, but to give the rest of our families a wee chance to see what they have been up to we thought we would put together a montage of photos to share. We hope you enjoy them!


The Romans were great builders! We are building a knex fort.
Knex Fort completed!



Roman Mosaics


Researching Roman Gods


Busy researching
Busy researching Roman gods
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