Pupil Responsibilities

Lots of pupils having been busy filling in applications and/or interviewing for various positions of responsibility in school over the last week. Today, all of the positions were announced – much to the delight of pupils who were desperate to find out!!

In our Pupil Council for this session, we have: Rachael, Ellie, Carys, Alexander, Aidan and Joshua.


Hopefully, helping to gain our second Eco Schools Green Flag in the Eco committee, we have: Ela, Hamish S., Ewan, Rose, Chloe and Jack

Our new monitors until January are:

  • Head librarian – Hamish McG.
  • Door monitor – Faye
  • Dinner hall – Tristan & Thomas
  • Cloakroom – Noah

Prospective Digital Leaders had to find and complete an online application form on Microsoft Teams – testing out their digital skills even before they were appointed the job!!  Our new Digital Leaders for the session are: Malcolm, Noah and Luke.

And finally, our House Captains (who had to prepare a speech explaining why they were the best person for the job) are: Andrew for Loch Naw and Gregor for Soleburn. All p7s did an amazing job at their speeches and everyone was impressed at how much thought and effort went into these. It was a very close vote!

And they marched them up to the top of the hill….. and they marched them down again!

As part of their Social Studies topics, both P1-4 and P5-7 classes have been learning and discussing their local environment. Today we headed for a jaunt up to the Agnew Monument at the top of the hill – it’s on our school jumpers so we wanted to get a closer look and find out more about it!

Initially the rain literally stopped play – so we waited until the skies cleared, donned our hi-vis jackets and off we went. Blue skies encouraged us up the hill and all the pupils did remarkably well – some just needing a little encouragement from their buddies and parent helpers to keep going.

Once at the top, we challenged one another to spot Leswalt, the school, Stranraer and the ferries at Cairnryan. What a fabulous view we had! We all sang Happy Birthday to Rose (she’ll remember her 9th birthday for sure!) then Mrs Baillie took a few snaps of all the boys and girls standing by the monument. We found out that the monument was built as a memorial to Sir Andrew Agnew who was a prominent MP for the area back in the 1800s. Interestingly, there is a crypt in the old graveyard which P5-7 pupils spotted on their Tuesday adventures, which has the Agnew name on it too. We are presuming the Agnew name was a very important one – and Thomas assured us it still is!

As we stood and admired the view from the top, we did notice a rather grey cloud gathering pace and so we hot-footed it back down the hill towards school. We didn’t quite manage to dodge the rain though! Never mind, with the little stalwarts that we have at Leswalt, they headed back to school full of chat and giggles – if perhaps a little soggy!

What a lovely end to the week! Check out the smiling faces below…

Celebrating Success!

Well done to this bunch of super workers! Usually we would have an end of term assembly to celebrate success, but unfortunately Lockdown meant this couldn’t happen. Still, we wanted to give a big ‘high five’ to these fabulous readers and to those who achieved their Gold Star award too.

This happy gang of readers were STAR readers within their year group. What brilliant bookworms we have! Keep up the fantastic work.

P2 – Ela and Hamish

P3 – Faye

P4 – Struan

P5 – Aidan (also a Word Millionaire!)

P6 – Luke and Gregor

P7 – Finlay (another Word Millionaire and not in the photo above as he’s now in S1)

Ela, Hamish, Faye, Struan, Aidan and Finlay were also our winners in our inter-schools challenge. We had a super exciting trio partnership competition to aim to be the STAR reader across each stage in all 3 schools and, amazingly, 5 out of 6 of those pupils were from Leswalt Primary! Whoop whoop!

Star Awards are home/school activities which pupils work on throughout the year. There are Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates to achieve and two of Leswalt Primary’s pupils worked super hard to reach Gold last session.

Well done to the Gaw team of Phoebe and Noah – fantastic work! Phoebe has headed on to pastures new (S1 at Academy!) but Noah is pictured below.


Thank you Mark and Rachael!

Over lockdown, Mark and Rachael Drummond we budding entrepreneurs who set up and ran their own farm shop at Barbeth.  They sold delicious home baking, crisps, tablet and all sorts of yummy treats.   Mark and Rachael very kindly decided to donate all of their profits to their school.

Grandpa Simpson was very impressed with all of their efforts too and said he would match whatever they raised .

So, Mark came into school with the amazing total of £350 this week!  Wow!Well done team Drummond/Simpson!

Rachael thought the school could maybe buy a laptop with the money.  Mark said he wanted something more fun.  Mrs Baillie thought while a laptop can be fun, it would be good for all the boys and girls to have some fun together , after a long lockdown away from each other.  Mrs Baillie has suggested the boys and girls could perhaps have a fun day away (when we are allowed to!) and enjoy it together.  She has asked the boys and girls to think if they have any other ideas for the use of they money -maybe mums and dads have ideas too?

Thank you Mark and Rachael, we will put the money to good use!

Fond Farewell to Primary 7

Yesterday, we said a socially distanced fond farewell to our Primary 7 pupils – Auryn, Erin, Finlay and Phoebe. It wasn’t quite the normal end of year ceremony we were expecting, but we couldn’t let them disappear from Leswalt Primary without one last hurrah!

The fab 4 popped into school each with a small family bubble to reminisce and celebrate their achievements over the past 7 years. Mrs Ferguson read out a beautiful tribute for each of the pupils and they were presented with a yearbook and personalised hoodie as a momentum of their primary school years.

We finished the afternoon off with the traditional photo story, showing a montage of cute and funny pictures from their time at Leswalt Primary. If you’d like to have a look for yourself, this is the link to view it here

Have a keek below at the photos of our special gathering. Best of luck to our P7s for the Academy – I know you’ll all go onto wonderful things in the future!

Team Drummond Raise Money for School!

Mark and Rachael have been very busy whilst school has been closed! Mrs McKnight had set her task a weekly maths topic based around money.  Team Drummond decided the very best way to learn lots about money was by using it in a real-life situation, so they decided to set up a little shop next to the road at their farm.  They started selling crisps and rolls to passers-by. I am sure their winning smiles drew would-be customers in! They then decided to make cakes and biscuits to add to their stock. Their very kind Grandpa offered to match the money they made – and they contacted Mrs McKnight last week to say they had a fantastic £300 to donate to the school!

What a lovely thing to do and such super teamwork! A huge thank you from Leswalt Primary staff and pupils.


End of March lockdown begun,

That meant schools were closed, so no more fun.

Nobody knows how long it will last,

But I hope and pray it goes fast.


First few mornings were spent with Joe Wicks,

Working out and learning new tricks.

Four days in, and I am super sore.

I think I would rather stay in bed and snore.


In the mornings I walk the dog, ready to start my morning slog.

Doing school work is not the same, without all the fun and games.

I miss my friends and I miss my class

How much longer is this going to last?


Outside painting and moving gravel,

Suns out, pools up, time for a paddle!

Easter comes with painted eggs,

Family quizzes to see who is best.


Making soups and baking scones, learning tiktoks to

different songs.

Family time and movie nights,

What to watch causes fights!


Thursday nights we stand out and clap,

Say hello to our neighbours and then that’s that.

Doing jigsaws and hopscotch with mum,

Waiting on our online shopping to come.



Across the road a lady from afar,

Looks after her sheep and lives in her car.

We fill her flasks every day,

To keep the baby lambs hunger at bay.


I really miss my teachers at school,

Hoping this time at home doesn’t make me a fool.

My parents at home are trying to teach,

Making goals that I can reach.


On my phone 24/7,

Chatting to my friends feels like heaven.

Let’s put an end to this awful covid-19,

Allowing me to meet up with family and friends I have not seen.

Hopefully, this virus will eventually clear –

making 2021 a better year!



By Chloe Kennedy, p6 Leswalt Primary


Lockdown life video

Our wee team have very been creative during lockdown and all came together to create our special video.  Everyone was given a special word to create a piece of word art at home.  No-one knew what it would say when it all came together.  Once put together we have a fabulous poem and message to all.

Have a watch and you will see our creative, happy children in the glorious setting of their homes .

We are so proud of each and every person for the part they play in our family of schools.

Click here to see us in action 🙂


Rainbows – with love from Leswalt Primary!

‘Get arty and create a rainbow of hope’  was the challenge set down to the pupils of Leswalt Primary by Mrs Copeland our Art Specialist. Well, neither she, or any of us, were quite prepared for the multitude of colourful rainbow designs which came flooding in. They certainly raise a smile to all who spot them in windows; at road-ends, pony jumps or even on a pony’s rear! Pens, paint techniques, chalk, fruit, vegetables, Hot Wheels cars, science experiments, salt dough, pony rosettes –  there really is no limit to the creativity of our pupils. Our tech-savvy pupils then emailed and uploaded their photos and pictures in to be added to our Rainbow blog to be enjoyed by all.

We absolutely love them! Most of all, we love the wee community spirit of Leswalt Primary.

Thank you! You have all made us very proud.

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