This afternoon, we were delighted to welcome back Jack and Linnea from the Children’s Parliament with another interesting session about caring for our environment.
Each session so far we have focused on a different element – curriculum (how our learning helps us to explore and find out more about our area), campus (when we made models about what we would view as part of our environment), community (an online session when we talked about all the different people and organisations who are involved in the wellbeing of our school) and today’s focus which was on culture.
We are always encouraged to share our views and opinions and got the chance to do this today again in lots of different ways; creating a podcast with Linnea about the environment and climate change, working as a group on a Scavenger Hunt finding evidence that our school showing that the environment and climate are important, using our creativity to make models of the ways in which people show they care for each other and their surroundings, chatting about ways in which we can share our ideas and suggestions for and taking the time to write and draw about things which make us happy at school. All of these activities offered us a chance to explore our school environment’s culture. Each activity was given a different environmental name – Vegetables of Voice, Cauliflowers of Care, Fruits of Feeling and Onions of Importance and ensured that we were looking at all the different aspects which ‘feed’ into caring about our climate.
Our pupil voices will be taken back to the Scottish Government to help shape the ways in which we learn about and look after our environment in years to come – and for younger children too.
Jack and Linnea always make these learning sessions fun! We are really grateful to them for coming to work with us
Meta Skills
Focusing Fergus, Adapting Aleksander, Integrity Imani and Initiative Ivy.
UNCRC Charter of Children’s Rights
Article 24 – Health, Water, Food and Environment
Article 29 – Aims of Education
Article 13 – Sharing Thoughts Freely