Digital Skills Scotland award!

I am delighted to say that following a process which we have been undertaking over the last 2 years, as part of our School improvement plan, our partnership of trio schools has achieved National recognition in the Digital Skills Scotland awards.

Yesterday I received official confirmation that we have been validated and awarded this, following a lengthy submission of evidence and visit of an assessor. 

Dear Ms Sheila Baillie

Following your Digital Schools Award Scotland validation visit by Alan Yeoman, I am delighted to inform you that North Rhins Partnership Schools – Leswalt Primary / Port Patrick Primary and Kirkcolm Primary have been successful in their application to become Digital Schools in Scotland.

On behalf of all the partners involved in the Digital Schools Award Scotland I would like to congratulate the schools on achieving this award.

I enclose the validation report which summarises the validator’s view of the extent to which the schools addressed the award criteria.   The Digital School Award is recognised by Education Scotland.

We are confident that North Rhins Partnership will be a pioneer among schools where digitally enhanced teaching and learning is helping our children and young people prepare for living and working in the 21st Century.

Kind regards

Aoife O’Connor
Programme Coordinator
Digital Schools Award Scotland

This award is recognised by Education Scotland.  Only one other school in the whole of Dumfries and Galloway has this award currently.
Thank you must go to all staff and pupils for their hard work and willingness in this work – they are indeed a “pioneer among schools”. 
Our team may be small – but is mighty!

Headteachers for the day

As part of the Children in Need fundraising, Alexander and Ewan Clark sold the most quiz sheets.  As a reward, they were allowed to be “Headteacher”.  They started their slot in charge of Leswalt Primary be sending out an email to all parents;

“Hellow just to say Leswalt primary is the best.
If we wear head techer we would have a big foot ball mach and some pet sheep in the play ground.
Can you mums and dads give your children lots of sweets to night?
see you later alegater.”
Some parents entered into the spirit of the new regime and  quickly responded to the communication from their new leaders with “in a while crocodile!”
This was later followed by an update to all parents from the real Mrs Baillie;

“Good afternoon

I have moved from Leswalt Primary to Portpatrick  this afternoon, to leave Leswalt Primary under the shared leadership of Messers Clark.
I have just telephoned the school to speak to the Headteacher.  They have reassured me all is well under their control.  When I have asked what they have done this afternoon , apparently  they have sat back in the office and enjoyed a hot chocolate and Kit Kat (please note this is not standard practice by the Headteacher at Leswalt.)
And,  “Ewan has played Friv” and “Alexander has made up a powerpoint for Mrs F”. 
The dynamic duo is also about to embark on implementing  their fun idea of a whole school football match.
Sadly for all involved, normal service shall resume tomorrow .”
Here is a happy picture of the headies, hard at work!

RSNO in the Rhins

Primary 7 enjoyed their first day at Stranraer Academy in the company of all the other Primary 7 pupils from the cluster.  The day had an enjoyable focus of Music, with members of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra travelling down to Stranraer to conduct a workshop with all the pupils.

Our pupils were singing, dancing, playing games, composing and learning about the orchestra and their music in a fun filled day.  After lunch they were joined by older pupils from the Academy who came along to listen to the final performance from the musicians.

All returned to Primary, more familiar with Stranraer Academy and informed and entertained by the orchestra.

Erin wrote a short recount of their day.

P7 Trip to the Academy for RSNO

On the 29th of October 2019 P7 went to the Academy for a transition visit to see the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.  The P7s got there on bus with Kirkcolm P7 and Mrs Gaw.

Firstly we sang a song called Bella Mama, and then we listened to some pieces of music and discussed what it made us think about. Then we played a game called Hip Hop. Then we had break in the canteen. After break we listened to a piece called A Soldier’s Tale. We also broke up into groups and wrote our own lyrics to Forward.  Later on we had lunch and we got a bit lost! In the afternoon the S4, 5 and 6s came in and listened as well, then we played another game of Hip Hop. Finally, before we left we went to see Rachel (Mrs Baillie’s Rachel. We really enjoyed the musical experience!

I really enjoyed the visit I would definitely go again. I am really looking forward to my next transition.

Erin Jamieson

Office 365 at home

Free resources to learn together

Leswalt  Primary is happy to support families to learn more about digital technologies.  Senior pupils are using Office 365 through Glow in school.  If you would like access to this software at home, it is available free to use through the children’s Glow accounts.  The children have added the ‘app’ tile (shown below)  to their launch pads to make it easy to locate.

Image result for office 365 glow

Should you need to locate it for yourself, once your child has logged in, simply click on the black flag on the left hand side of the screen and type Microsoft into the search app box in the top right hand section of the screen.  This image can be enlarged  by clicking on it.


Free online tutorials are available from the Microsoft Training Centre at the following address:

Click on each software icon to reveal instructional videos by task.


Image result for office 365 training centre

We hope this is useful for you.

# Successful learners together

Primary 5-7 have reached Lockerbie Manor!

Primary 5-7 have reached Lockerbie Manor on a 3 school, 3 day adventure of outdoor education and fun!

After a lunch stop at Springholm Primary they went onto Lockerbie and have unpacked and are now off on their first activity.  They are all very happy and excited campers!

Jingles the elf gets up to no good at Leswalt Primary

Primary 1-4 had a very special visitor in December, in the form of Jingles the elf.  Throughout the month the naughty little elf got up to lots of mischief and left letters for the boys and girls.  The children loved coming in every morning to see what he had been up to.  Throughout this nonsense Mrs Mc Knight helped the boys and girls write letters to Santa to keep him informed of Jingles antics.

On the last day of school he left Leswalt.  And, by way of apology he left the children a gingerbread house and some chocolate crispies to enjoy. 

Have your elf a Merry little Christmas now!



Sandhead fun day football champions!

The partnership football team of Leswalt/Portpatrick lifted their second trophy in 2 weeks today, after winning the Sandhead fun day football tournament.  The weather may not have been as glorious as the previous week at Castle Kennedy, but this did not deter the spirit of the team (Rowan, Cameron, Ethan, Millie, Finlay, Rhian and Lachlan.)

The boys and girls never lost a game and made it to the final against Glenluce Primary. After a nil;nil draw at full time it went to penalties to decide the winner.  And after a tense shoot out and some great goalkeeping from Lachlan our partnership team were victorious!

Many thanks must go to Ewan Dodds, the coach and all the parents who have supported and transported the team to all the games this term.


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