Spreading the Christmas cheer

On a wet and windy last day of term Mrs Claus and her elves (aka Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Baillie and the p5-7 children) went a wander round the village to distribute the Christmas cards all of p1-7 had made in school to some of the elderly residents of Leswalt.

Many doors were opened, to delighted faces and the children wished all “Merry Christmas”.    It was a lovely way to spread the Christmas cheer, even the rain didn’t dampen our smiles!


Reverse Advent Calendar

As part of our Eco Schools work learning about food and being responsible citizens, this Christmas we decided to run a ‘Reverse advent calendar’ – rather than the boys and girls getting a chocolate each day (they weren’t too impressed with this idea initially, I think many wanted the chocolate!!), they were asked to bring in a donation for the local food bank.

We spoke all about why it’s good to help charities, particularly people in need our local area, and learned about the work of the food bank. By the end, we were overwhelmed with our families’ generosity – we had pupils bringing in bags of donations as they realised how important it is to support the charity (despite only 1 item being requested per family!).

We are delighted to be able to deliver such a huge donation from our little school to the Wigtownshire food bank this Christmas – and we hope that it manages to help lots of families in the area.

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