As part of their RME topic of ‘Christianity in our Community’, Leswalt Primary School’s P5-7 visited St.Joseph’s Church in Stranraer and met with the Priest, Father Neil O’Donnell and Deacon Peter Marks.
The pupils came along with lots of questions about what the job of a priest entails, and about the churches role in the community.
They learnt about the clothing the priest wears for different services and at different times of the year. They found out about the artefacts in the church and what they were used for. They were able to compare St.Joseph’s to Leswalt Parish Church, which they visited earlier in the term.
It was both a very informative and enjoyable experience for the pupils. As Rhona Baillie in P6 said “ St Josephs is beautiful inside. I love all the marble. I learned a lot, as I had never been there before”