We have had an action-packed week of healthy activities in school. Many thanks to all who came in and shared their expertise and enthusiasm with our school community: Terry from Solway Spartans Boxing; Mark from Annan Tennis Club; Nicole from Ankle Biters; Gary from Annan Rugby Club; Yvonne McGregor from the Health Improvement Team; Jacqueline Bell,  Dental Health Office; Edith from Tesco; Katie Robinson, i-bike officer; Zoe from Compass; Maureen Smith’s dancing club; Andy and Eric from Annan Athletic; Alistair from Borders Shotokan karate club; Liam from Little Tigers Taekwando; our own Mrs Menzies teaching Zumba;  P5/6 and P7 and their teachers Mr Stevenson and Miss Dennis.  Thanks also to Aldi for donating bottles of water.  The week was a great success and we hope to see progression for some of our children in to a new sport or club and in some of the healthy choices that they make.

As you can see we had a great week:


















General Data Protection Regulation comes into force today (25 May 2018). Hecklegirth Primary will comply with the six data protection principles to ensure the protection of your personal data.

Sponsored Walk

Well done to all those who walked their socks off to help raise funds for outdoor play. P7 pupils organised the event and supported walkers all the way round with words of encouragement, high 5’s and water stops. Due to our busy timetable of sporting events some pupils did not manage to complete the full ten laps so will go out again with P7 tomorrow morning.

Please send in sponsorship forms and money by next Monday at the latest. A final total will be shared when all sheets are returned- please send in a blank even if you did not manage to get any sponsors this time.


Big Pedal Fun Day

We started off with a Big Pedal breakfast.  Our JRSOs, Miss Tulloch, Mrs Alexander and Mrs Wright helped us get to school safely on our bikes and scooters.

All the classes had great fun in our playground with fun cycling and scooting challenges.  Thanks to Annan Cycling Club, Sandra, Katie and Gary for all their guidance and help in making it such an enjoyable day.

We had an average of 26% of our pupils cycling to school over the two weeks and 562 journeys on our bikes and scooters.  We had the 315th highest percentage of our school cycling/scooting in Great Britain and 41st in Scotland.  Well done everyone and keep cycling!