Big Pedal Fun Day

The last day of term was Big Pedal Fun Day for everyone at Hecklegirth as the children brought bikes and scooters to participate in great fun activities in the school playground under the guidance of some super volunteers. Despite the very windy weather, the children showed great confidence and enthusiasm to try out the challenges set for them. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. The children had super fun and what a great way to keep fit and healthy. Let’s hope that they can have lots of fun in the holidays on their bikes and scooters.
Here are the morning children in action. Photos of the afternoon children will follow in the next day or two.

Bird Watching

Quinn and Harvey M’s families have been enjoying the photos of the visit by Kirsty from RSPB:

“This made me laugh as Quinn said she was watching birds through a telescope…..after some probing questions we discovered she meant binoculars. Xx”

“Harvey loves looking out for birds. Hes always feeding the birds that come to the garden at Granny’s house!”

I hope that you are all going to keep an eye out for different birds in the holidays. I wonder if you might see some that are different to the ones we see in the Nursery garden?

The Bird Lady

Enid has been talking to her family about the visit by RSPB:

“Enid was very excited to tell me all about the bird lady as she described her when she came home from nursery. Sounds like they enjoyed learning about the birds.”

Kirsty’s activities certainly got the children very enthusiastic about looking out for birds in our garden and at home. We’re glad that you enjoyed her visit Enid.

RSPB Visit

Since we had our canopy built last summer, the birds have been slowly getting a little more confident to visit our garden and the children get very excited if they come to sample some of our bird food.
This week we had a visitor who helped us learn more about the birds we might see and what they like to eat. Kirsty from the RSPB let us hear what different sounds each bird makes and we had great fun playing a game to see if we could remember their sounds to match them to the correct picture. The children got their fingers nice and sticky making fat balls for the birds using lard and seeds then they tried out the binoculars in the garden to see if any birds were close by although a little help was needed to get the binoculars the right way round. Kirsty also showed the children three different nests and talked about the birds that would use them so everyone left feeling very enthusiastic about our local birds and how to look after them.
Here are the morning children enjoying their activities. Photos of the children in the afternoon will be posted soon.

Derek the Paramedic

As we begin to learn about our community and the jobs we can grow up to do there, the morning children had an exciting visit from ‘Derek the Paramedic’, also known as Harper’s Papa. The children enjoyed finding out about the equipment he uses in his job and Derek listened very patiently to stories of medical situations the children had experienced as we tried to work out when we need an ambulance. They were also excited to see all the equipment inside the ambulance which he kindly brought to Nursery and, of course, the blue light and siren were great highlights of the visit.
Thank you so much to Harper’s Papa for taking the time to talk to the children about his job and for showing them inside an ambulance which he hopes should make it less worrying for a child if they ever need to use one for a trip to the hospital.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Dentist Joshua

Joshua’s family has been looking at all the photos from Toothtastic Tuesday when he tried out all the different activities.

“Joshua loved dressing up as a dentist and he loved inspecting teeth. He just got stuck straight in.😊 ”

“Joshua loved brushing the teeth that day. He concentrated so hard & done his very best. Well done Joshua! Lovely picture here of him & Bethany.☺”

“Joshua sat just like he would visiting the dentist. Mummy & Daddy are very proud of him.😊”

He does look very busy in these photos – great concentration Joshua! It was lovely that your Mummy was able to join in with you at the activities too.

Toothtastic Tuesday Part Two

As promised, here are photos of the afternoon children enjoying the Toothtastic Tuesday activities. They listened well and hopefully learned about how to look after their teeth from avoiding sugary foods and drinks to the best way to clean their teeth and what happens at the dentist.
Thank you to all those parents who joined us for these activities and for your valuable feedback. Thank you also to Eileen, Jacqueline and Nikki for their time and effort to provide the children with fun and learning. You should all have an information pack for home in your child’s tray. We hope that this answers some of the questions that your feedback highlighted.

Relaxing at the Dentist’s

Callum’s family liked the photos from our Toothtastic Tuesday activities:

“Callum fair enjoyed having the Dentist in the other day. He sayed the best part was being able to lie down on the comfy chair

He certainly looks very relaxed in the chair. We are glad that you enjoyed the day Callum.

Dentists in Nursery

This week the children enjoyed some fun activities to help them learn about looking after their teeth, healthy diet and what happens when they go to the dentist. Toothtastic Tuesday was organised by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, Jacqueline and Nikki from Childsmile and the Nursery staff and it was lovely to have around 20 parents join us on the day to help the children as they moved round the different activities.
The dentist’s role play area was very popular, as you can see from the photos, and Jacqueline helped the children learn why the dentist uses different equipment. We really appreciated her bringing lots of masks and mirrors so that each child could try out the equipment and understand that everyone needs a new dental mirror and mask to avoid getting germs.
There were also puzzles, a drawing activity, an opportunity to use the big teeth models to learn how to brush properly and an activity to measure out the number of spoons of sugar in different foods and drinks. Hopefully the children have learned which drinks and food are healthier for their teeth.
Thank you very much to Eileen, Jacqueline and Nikki for all their help and equipment. Thanks also to those parents who joined us on Toothtastic Tuesday. We think that the children had a fun learning experience.
Here are some photos of the morning children busy at the various activities. We will post photos of the afternoon children in the next few days.

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