Rhyme Time

Our recent focus on rhyme, as part of our literacy development, has encouraged the children to listen carefully for rhymes in words. To support their learning in Nursery, we suggested a home activity to bring in items that rhyme to show their group. This has been good fun as the children have begun to think about and hear rhyming sounds. Well done to those who brought in examples for our display. We hope you enjoyed this activity and that your ears are now becoming tuned to those special sounds.

Rain, Rain, Come Back Another Day

Water play was available on a large scale at the end of last term. As the rain seemed to have forgotten to stop, a huge puddle kept growing and growing in our garden. Unlike most adults, of course, the children simply found this very exciting and were keen to play in it.
As you can see from the photos, a lot of learning can happen with a few ducks, some boats, guttering and water wheels. We even managed to make rainbow bubbles with a little touch of washing up liquid. The children certainly showed themselves to be successful learners and effective contributors as they worked together to solve lots of problems and talk about their findings. We hope that the rain does come back another day as it provided such a fun learning experience.

Arcimboldo Artists

We used food to make portraits in the style of the artist Arcimboldo. As you can see, everyone had different ideas of what to use and how to use it but we think that the children produced some very interesting and original works of art.
You can click on photos to make them bigger. If you want to comment on the children’s work, please click on ‘0 comments’ above this paragraph to type your comment.

Good Listeners

The focus this week throughout the school has been on good listening and on Monday morning the Rainbow Room children attended assembly for the first time where they learned about the importance of good listening skills.
Everyone in Nursery has been trying really hard to use their listening ears to help them learn and on Friday these three children were delighted to receive Star Award certificates from Miss Wilson for being particularly good listeners. Well done and keep up the good work.

Making Music Together

In the past week the children have been learning how to use musical instruments correctly. This has brought lots of excitement and impromptu performances as the children have decided to form bands. Some have been marching bands and some have simply gathered round a table and agreed what songs to perform under the leadership of a conductor. It has been great to see the children grow in confidence and work so well together without adult intervention.
We managed to capture some of those moments on camera to show the children on the Promethean board and thought that you might like to see them.

Click on the screens below to see two of our little bands.

Clever Cooks

Soup and porridge have been on the menu this week in Nursery and some delicious smells have been hanging in the air. In the Rainbow Room the children used potatoes, carrots and onions to make simple soup while the Sunshine Room poured and mixed to make porridge just like the three bears. We learned about basic hygiene when cooking and about staying safe around hot pans and dishes. Here are some photos of the cooks in action.
Please click on “0 comments” under the title “Clever Cooks” to let us know what you think.

Paint, Pencils and Glue

Most children have been enjoying exploring a range of resources as they settle into Nursery routines. Our walls are now looking much brighter, thanks to the wonderful pieces of artwork produced by the children. Paint, pencils and glue are all part of the Nursery experience and, as you can see below, they have used the materials well. I wonder if any of the children can spy their work?
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

What have you enjoyed in Nursery?

As we come to the end of another fantastic year in our Nursery, we asked the children what they have enjoyed. Although they find it difficult to reflect back to experiences that seem long ago to them, most children were able to talk about what they have liked best. As you can see from the range of ideas, everyone takes something different from their time in Nursery but each child has developed in their own individual way.

Thank you again to all our families for their wonderful support this year. We have all been overwhelmed by the very kind and touching sentiments that have been expressed to us over the past week and feel very lucky to have worked and played with your children this year.

Have a great holiday and do please keep in touch with us through our blog if your child is moving on to a new school. We love to hear about their progress.

 What did you enjoy in Nursery?

Rohan: I liked the butterflies when we let them go.

Jack V.: outside, running around and having a good time.

Finlay: having the graduation concert.

Mischa: I liked playing in the beach and having snack.

Jordy: I liked letting the butterflies out and I liked Trotter’s and I liked everything in Nursery and I’ll miss it.

Ryan: playing with the trains.

Mya: the whiteboard’s really good.

Courtney: playing in the beach.

Layton: I liked when we were learning about Loch Ness and Chinese New Year.

Iona: I liked playing on the big board.

Sam L.: I’ll miss it all.

Jaylin: I like everything. It’s just good.

Paige: playing on the whiteboard

Eleanor: the big whiteboard.

Jack T.: playing on the bikes outside.

Natan: drawing.

Katie: reading a story.

Leah: the house corner. The café was the best.

Liam: the beach is the best.

Reece: jig-saws.

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