Family Rhyme Time

Friday saw our first Family Learning event of the year and we are delighted that a good number of children and their families chose to take part. Nursery rhymes was the theme and everyone seemed to have good fun with scissors, glue and singing lots of different rhymes. Thank you to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this great activity – everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Here are some of the children busy with their families.

Good News Tree

Thank you to all those families who have been helping the children share news for our good news trees. The leaves are beginning to fill the tree in each room and it’s great to hear all your news from home. If you still have your leaf at home please bring it in to Nursery and we will add it to the others. Here are some of the achievements already on display.

Ben W. swam a short distance without armbands during his swimming lesson.
Keegan can ride his bike without stabilisers.
James said that his baby sister laughs when he tickles her.
Dylan can pedal his bike properly now.
Thom has learned to swim without his armbands and just needs a snorkel now.
Max L. can swim in his Nana’s pool with no armbands on.
Joshua had a big boy’s haircut with the clippers and didn’t cry.
Orla can ride her bike without stabilisers.
Peter can sing the alphabet song.
Kacper is learning to ride a bike on two wheels.
Mollie can get dressed by herself.
Nadia is looking forward to her grandmother coming to visit from Poland.

What a lot of wonderful good news! Keep sharing your news with us boys and girls – we love to hear about what is happening in your lives.

Language Programme

For those parents who have been using our English language programme to develop their child’s communication skills, I have now added books eleven and twelve to our blog. They can be found if you click on the link on the right that says “Learning English”. Parents who will be new to Nursery in a few weeks may also find this a helpful tool.
Although initially intended for children with English as an Additional Language, this programme could be useful for any child who needs a little help and encouragement to develop his/her language skills. We hope that these new books are useful to support your child’s learning at home.

Money Magic

Recently the afternoon children had a visit from the Financial Education Officer to talk about what we do with money and to help them in their work on coin recognition. They loved the story just as much as the morning children had earlier this year and took part enthusiastically in helping to tell the story. Bev’s huge purse held the children’s interest and they too enjoyed the magic of coin rubbing. We would like to thank Bev for her visit and look forward to seeing her again next year.
Click then click again for a clearer view.

Tiny Caterpillars

Tiny caterpillars arrived in Nursery recently and we have all been watching their growth with great excitement. When we returned to Nursery last Monday, the caterpillars in both the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms had formed their cocoons so we carefully transferred them to their nets and now await the arrival of our butterflies. I wonder which butterflies will emerge first? If you ask the children, they will be able to show you the cocoons in Nursery and tell you all about what has happened.

Growing and Planting

To link in with our learning in Nursery, growing and planting was the theme for a recent Family Learning activity led by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. The children and their families enjoyed a range of activities which included cress planting and a paper plate craft activity to show the life cycle of a butterfly.
Eileen’s next Family Learning days are already planned for the 8th and 9th June when she will share ideas for skills for school. All parents/carers are welcome regardless of which school your child will be moving to. Please add your name to the notice board in the corridor if you would like to join Eileen and other parents/carers. Thank you, as always, to Eileen for offering these super opportunities for everyone.

Sunflower Planting

To tie in with our learning about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers as well as painting them. As you can see, they knew to look for instructions and had good ideas about how to make the seeds grow. Once they have their little sunflower pots home, the children should be able to tell their families what they need to do to look after their plants. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their sunflowers or a photo back to Nursery later in the term to show us how well they are growing.

Tesco Take Two

Just like the morning children, the afternoon children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Miss Kerr even tried her hand at pancake making and did a very good job. Thank you again to Tesco for such an informative visit and to all the parents who accompanied us on our visit – we really appreciate it.
Click then click again for a clearer view of the photos.

Tesco Visit

Nursery visited Tesco last week to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. The children worked very well in teams to solve the shopping puzzles and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours as well as the cereal boxes on their shopping lists. The visit to the bakery produced lots of interest, as did the tasting session at the cheese and meat counter, and it was great to see how pancakes and doughnuts are made, especially when they got to taste the end product in the staff canteen along with a welcome glass of juice.
We would like to say huge thanks to Lorna and Martin at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those tolerant staff who had their tea break disturbed in the canteen and to Tesco for the very generous gift bags given to each child.
Here you can see the morning children busy with the various activities.

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