Library Visit

To further develop links with our wider community, we have begun to visit Annan library on a Monday. Each room will visit on alternate weeks to build their literacy skills and become familiar with our local library. We apologise to those in the Sunshine Room who were expecting to go on their first visit today but we really felt that the high winds made this a safety issue for the children. Hopefully we will be able to make a visit soon.
Last week the Rainbow Room made their first visit and the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience. Marion made us very welcome and explained to the children that they could come to the library with their families to borrow books. She read us some super stories which engaged the children and they then had the opportunity to choose books to share with adults and other children. We hope that you love these photos as much as we do – it’s great to see our children so engaged with books.
We would like to thank those parents who came with us on our first visit and those who have kindly volunteered to join us in the future. We really appreciate your support and look forward to lots of parents being part of our visits. Well done also to the children for their super behaviour – Marion was very impressed with you all and is looking forward to our next visit.

Outdoor Learning On Fire

After the excitement of Hallowe’en, the children have been talking this week about Bonfire Night. They have been learning why we celebrate it and sharing their personal experiences as well as responding to “Music For The Royal Fireworks” by Handel. No learning about Bonfire Night is complete, of course, without a discussion about staying safe but, rather than simply talking about the dangers of fire and fireworks, we went out into the Nursery garden to make our own little fire. There was lots of discussion about the heat from a fire and what could happen if we touched it although we all agreed that it was lovely to feel the heat from a safe distance. We watched some sparklers being lit and talked about who is allowed to touch fireworks. There was lots of learning happening around this little fire and it even continued into the next day when some of the children decided that the fire must have gone out because it was raining and water puts out fire. Well done boys and girls for sharing your ideas and showing good understanding of the importance of safety around fires and fireworks.

Story, Rhyme and Number Bags

Story, rhyme and number bags will be given out from this Tuesday 3rd November to those who would like them. These bags are designed to encourage your child to enjoy reading and numbers. Each story/rhyme bag has a book and a game or puppets connected to the story/rhyme. The number bags contain a game.
If your child attends morning Nursery sessions you can collect a bag at the end of the session from Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, in the Family Learning room opposite the school hall. Those attending Nursery in the afternoon can collect bags at the start of a session. Bags can be kept at home for a week and exchanged the following Tuesday. If anyone can spare twenty minutes to help Eileen check the bags, it would be much appreciated. We hope that lots of our families will join in with the activity bags “library”.

Read, Write, Count

read-right-count-logoWe would like to share some great ideas from the Scottish government on a site called “Read, Write, Count”. As a parent or carer, you’re the most important teacher in your child’s life. In fact, research shows that when parents help their child with learning outside of school, the children do better with things like reading and counting. This is a site with ideas to make it easy for parents to bring fun and learning into everyday activities. Whether it’s in the supermarket, on the way to school, at bedtime or sitting down for a meal, “Read, Write, Count” has lots of simple ideas that put smiles on children’s faces while giving them the best start in life. We hope that you have fun with your child using some of these great ideas. Click on the link on the right to “Read, Write, Count” under the heading “Useful Reading”.


As part of our learning about Autumn at the end of term, we looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked closely at his “Autumn” portrait on the Promethean board to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then we used food to make our own portraits. As you can see, some of the children have been inspired by learning about this artist and have produced some super work.


Dingle Dangle Scarecrows

The work on Autumn Flower and Princess Rosie, our two scarecrows, motivated some of the children to create scarecrow pictures in the craft area of Nursery. They used a range of materials to create their own design and produced individual and creative pieces of artwork. A selection of the children’s work is on display in the school corridor, as we wanted to share their great ideas, so keep an eye out for them if you are near the school office.
Click then click again to see the full picture.

Captain Furrybeard Visits Nursery

The children in the Sunshine Room have continued to be motivated by their interest in pirates and the learning has been developed in several directions with the help of Mrs. Bell, our student teacher.
Pirate stories have been very popular, with some of the children keen to tell the stories themselves. They also received a letter from Captain Furrybeard who seemed to have left his telescope and hat in our Nursery and needed some help from the children. Maps, flags and telescopes were produced and the children had to think about how to make a new pirate ship for Captain Furrybeard. This, of course, involved measuring Captain Furrybeard to help us work out what size of ship was needed. As you can see, his ship worked out just the right size for him.
We had treasure hidden in the sand tray and there was some counting had to be done to ensure it was all found. Good turn taking skills were also shown as the children played a pirate game. We hope that you enjoy these photos of the children engaged with all the different pirate activities. As you can see, lots of valuable learning has taken place with Captain Furrybeard.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

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