Sunflower Art

Having been inspired by our recent discussions about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have had the opportunity to create their own sunflower artwork which has formed beautiful, bright displays in both rooms. We would like to share a selection of some of their work – please take the time to have a look at the displays in Nursery too as we think that the children have produced some great art.
Click the click again to make the photos bigger and see the names of the artists.

Noah’s Ark

ark3As promised after our visit to his church, Rev. McGougan visited Nursery last week to tell us the story of Noah’s ark and it was lovely to have several parents and younger children joining us, especially as it was Hecklegirth Open Day. ark4Fortunately we had our own ark out as part of the play so some of the children were able to help Rev. McGougan tell the story by putting the animals in the ark when we came to that part of the story. Thank you to Rev. McGougan for taking time out of his busy week to spend time with us – it’s much appreciated.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Sharing Your Learning

colour5Summer’s family has been having a look at the photos of the children mixing colours outdoors:

“This will explain why Summer has started mixing all the paint together at home! I thought she was just being messy when actually she is learning. Summer is also enjoying learning the first letter of words which you have been doing in nursery, it has become her favourite game. She says the letter ‘s’ then names all the words she knows beginning with the letter. We are impressed!”

Well done Summer! It sounds like you’ve been sharing lots of your learning at home with your family.

The Magic of Colours

One of our areas of focus this term has been colour mixing and the children had great fun experimenting with this on a big scale outdoors last week. Their initial task was to make big bowls of paint of different colours then they experimented to see what happens when you add varying amounts of other colours to the original paint. A wonderful array of colours was produced until, mysteriously and slowly, it all seemed to transform into a muddy brown. The children showed good communication skills, as they predicted what would happen, made suggestions of what to do next and then discussed the outcome of their experimenting. Happy learning indeed!
Click then click again on the photos for a clearer view.

Sunshine Church Visit

The Sunshine Room children had their visit to Rev. McGougan’s church last week and enjoyed learning all about the church and what happens there. Everyone was interested in the beautiful Noah’s ark so Rev. McGougan has kindly arranged to come in to Nursery to talk to the children about the story. Thanks again to all those parents who accompanied us on our visit and to Rev. McGougan for giving us so much of his time. We look forward to his visit soon.

Keen Gardeners

As we have been learning about the signs of Spring and we will soon be finding out how things grow, the children have been planting some flowers in the garden. As you can see, we had keen helpers who did careful planting and then watered the plants to help them grow. We will all have to remember to look after them over the next few weeks but you made a good start all you keen gardeners.

Church Visit

As part of learning about places in our community we started our term off with a walk to the United Reform Church this week. Rev. McGougan kindly invited us to his place of work to explore the building and learn what happens there. We found out what different objects in the church are used for and learned a little about its history. The careful climb up the staircase led to the upper part of the church where found out about the pews having been made from a shipwreck and were able to get a super view of the whole of the church.
Rev. McGougan also told us about lots of different groups that meet in the church hall through the week including a group that plays indoor curling. Children and adults alike all had a turn at aiming the curling stone at the target which was great fun and we finished off our visit with a look in the garden where Rev. McGougan showed us the beautiful birds that live there in big cages.
Thank you to Rev. McGougan for making us feel so welcome and to all the parents who came with us on our very interesting outing. Here are the morning children on their visit. We will post afternoon photos soon.

Police Station Visit

The Sunshine Room children enjoyed a visit to the police station towards the end of term as part of learning about our community and the different jobs we can do there. They all enjoyed seeing the different areas of the police station and, of course, the vans with their sirens and flashing blue lights were popular with most. Thank you to the staff at the police station for their patience and time to show us around as well as to those parents who were kind enough to accompany us on our visit. Hopefully, we should be able to rearrange our postponed visit by the Rainbow Room next term.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

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