Safe Sparkles

After the excitement of Hallowe’en, inevitably we quickly moved on to discuss Bonfire Night experiences and no learning about Bonfire Night is complete, of course, without a discussion about staying safe.
Rather than simply talking about the dangers of fire and fireworks, we made our own little fire one day last week to help us talk about safety and on Friday we held some sparklers. The children showed a good understanding of how to stay safe and were very sensible when handling their sparklers. Well done boys and girls.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Make and Take

Lots of children and their families tried out our Family Learning ‘Make and Take’ on Tuesday. Scissors, glue, Autumn leaves and chocolate fingers were on the tables when I popped in and it looked there was lots of super concentration going on as the children created their little Autumn lamps. Thank you so much to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this lovely activity. We hope that those attending Friday’s sessions have good fun too.

Autumn Artists

As part of our learning about Autumn, the children developed a good awareness of the changing colours of the leaves at this time of year. This learning developed further in the art area as some experimented to mix different shades of paint which were then used for vegetable printing. The children produced some lovely work which is now displayed in Nursery and the school corridor. We hope that you enjoy our little taster here of some of the artists at work. Click then click again to make the photos bigger and see the names of the artists.

Crumble Cooking

Towards the end of term we decided to make apple crumble as we had a lovely big basket of apples brought in by several different people. The children were able to learn about the importance of hygiene and safety in the kitchen, fine motor control, counting and chopping skills, using the technology of a microwave and the effect of heat on the apples.
Here you can see the morning children demonstrating some of their skills. Afternoon photos will be posted soon.

Autumn Singing

We would like to remind you that, as we come towards the end of our learning about Autumn, you can come a little early to collect the children tomorrow, Thursday 13th October, to hear them singing a few songs that they have been practising.
Space is obviously limited at the moment for lots of adults as well as children, while our building work is being carried out, but we hope that we should be able accommodate everyone just for a short time. Please arrive for 11.45 or 2.50, depending on the session your child attends, if you wish to hear the children singing.

Autumn Display

Learning about Autumn this term has been helped greatly by the children’s wonderful contributions to our display area. Chestnuts, acorns, a pumpkin, various berries, a squash and leaves of so many colours have been collected by the children and their families. Good talking skills have been evident as the children shared their finds with others and talked about where they had found them.
Thank you so much to all those families who have taken the time to talk to their children about the signs of Autumn and have helped them find examples. The children have shown great enthusiasm to look at and talk about our display. Here are some of the children with their finds.

Outdoor Cooking

On a recent visit to discuss our outdoor environment, the local ranger brought us a great new base for making a fire and the afternoon boys and girls were the first to try it out. While some were intrigued to watch the ranger setting up the fire, others were busy indoors making bread. Lots of measuring and counting skills were needed to make sure we followed the recipe but, as you can see, our team of chefs showed super concentration to produce their dough. Once it was wound round sticks and the fire was ready, the children helped to cook their bread and they melted marshmallows on sticks which brought lots of discussion about the changes happening to them as they were cooked.
We were very impressed with the children’s super listening skills and discussion about staying safe near fire. They certainly deserved to taste the results of their hard work. Thank you very much to Duncan for his help- the children had a great learning experience.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Experts In Short Trousers

The afternoon children recently experienced a dance workshop called “Experts In Short Trousers”. They had to use good listening skills to follow instructions and, as you can see, they worked hard and had good fun making their bodies into lots of different shapes.
Unfortunately this company could not offer us a morning slot but we think that they are running workshops in the October holidays for local children so keep your eyes peeled in the local press if your child might be interested.

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