
Having been inspired by our recent discussions about Vincent Van Gogh and his “Sunflowers” work, the children have been keen to create their own sunflower artwork which is now part of a beautiful, bright display alongside some of their daffodil paintings. We would like to share a selection of some of their art but please take the time to have a look at the display in Nursery too.

Nature Walks

The children from the Sunshine Room have been building their confidence in the wider environment recently by paying a few visits to the nature garden. As you can see, they have enjoyed exploring every aspect of it and collected various objects from nature to create their own works of art. We hope that you like their work as much as we do.

Afternoon Fire Station Visit

As promised, here are photos of the afternoon children visiting the fire station last week. They all enjoyed lots of fun learning just like the morning children. Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who came with us on our visit – we appreciate your help and support.
Click then click again to get a clearer view of the photos.

Fire Station

After learning about different jobs in our community at the end of last term, we had one further exciting trip out last week when we visited the fire station. Fortunately the weather was very kind and we enjoyed a lovely walk there in the sunshine. As well as finding out about the job of a fire officer, the children took part in a road safety activity where they took on different roles of cars, lorries, buses and bikes as well as a police officer and lollipop person. This was a super new resource that the fire service have just acquired and was a great way to help the children think about how to stay safe.
They also got a close up view of all the equipment in a fire engine, learned what it is used for and put their hands to their ears as the siren was turned on. Of course, no visit to the fire station is complete without getting an opportunity to sit up in the fire engine and try out the big hose.
Huge thanks go to all the fire fighters who looked after us and made our visit such fun as well as to the parents who accompanied us – without parent helpers these trips out would not be possible. We hope that you enjoy these photos of the morning children and will post photos soon of our afternoon visit.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Sunflower Seeds

As they have been learning a little about the artist Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers seeds after looking at his famous painting of sunflowers. We have talked about what they will need to do to make their seed grow so hopefully the children should be able to look after them when they bring their sunflowers home in a week or two. We look forward to hearing about some super sunflowers or even seeing a photo once they begin to grow. Fingers crossed that they can be planted outdoors and turn into a lovely burst of sunshine in a corner of everyone’s garden.

Happy Learning

As promised, here is snapshot gallery of the afternoon children enjoying the activities organised last week for us by RHET. As you can see from the happy faces, they enjoyed the visit by the tractor from Carr’s and our cute little lamb visitor just as much as the morning children. Thank you again to Fiona, Mrs. Ker and Carr’s for providing a great learning experience for the children. I wonder if we have any farmers of the future here?
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Computers with Cake

Primary 6 are launching their cross-generational digital club on Wednesday at 9.30 – 10.30 in the school’s ICT suite. Parents and grandparents who need help with technology can pop in for a cup of tea and a cake while they get some top advice on using a computer from the trained helpers of Primary 6. The children are really excited about this and want to make it a success so why not pop along on Wednesday for an hour of fun learning?

RHET visit

On Thursday of this week we had a fantastic visit from RHET (The Royal Highland Education Trust) who provided the opportunity for the children to see a tractor and a lamb close up. Although a few children were initially a little shy of our visiting lamb, by the end of the visit most were stroking and brushing him. Thank you to Mrs. Ker for giving up her time to help the children learn so much about looking after a lamb. This was an experience they will all remember.
Thanks also go to local company Carr’s for providing a shiny new tractor for the children to explore and learn about. As you can see from the happy smiles, they all loved sitting up in the cab and finding out about the different switches and how the tractor is used. They compared the wheels to themselves in size, counted the bolts and made rubbings of the numbers and letters on the tyres. It really was amazing to them all how huge the tractor was close up.
Finally we would like to thank Fiona Jamieson, the project co-ordinator, who was so helpful in arranging this visit, ensuring all Health and Safety rules were followed and that the children had a great learning experience.
Here are photos of the some of the morning children. Afternoon photos will follow soon.

Lowry Art

Towards the end of term we were learning a little about the artist, L. S. Lowry. We compared the scenes in his paintings to Annan and talked about his life. Charcoal and chalk were used to produce our own art work in the style of Lowry and we have put some on display in the school corridor. Can anyone spot their picture here?
Click then click again for a clearer view.

Our Community

Learning about our community last term inspired the children to make models of some of the buildings we had talked about in Annan. After looking at photos of various familiar landmarks, they set to work in the art and craft area to make their own versions so we had our own little town comprising the police station, Greencroft Medical Centre and several other well known buildings which the children then used as part of their play. If you click on the photos to make them bigger you will see the great detail that the children put in their work.

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