A Journey To Australia

Today it was the turn of the morning children to go on their travels with their passport as part of Multicultural Week. Australia was our destination up in Primary 3/4 where we were entertained by a cartoon of the story of Waltzing Matilda. We learned lots of new words and joined in the song with P3/4.
We were very proud of our Nursery children who behaved beautifully on their travels and showed that they had listened well to the story. Thanks go to Primary 3/4 for being such welcoming hosts. We enjoyed our visit.

Travelling The World

Armed with our passport, the afternoon children headed off to Italy yesterday. It was situated in the Primary 3 classroom for our Multicultural Week and the children of P3 entertained us with a wonderful number song in Italian and some interesting facts about Italy. They then kindly helped our children to design their own pizza from craft materials which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to Primary 3 for inviting us to Italy and for stamping our passport.
We had to make a speedy return journey to Nursery (also known as India for this week’s activities) as Primary 2 were travelling our way. Just like the Nursery children, they seemed to enjoy our experiences of India as they designed mehndi hands, tasted different Indian foods and dressed up in authentic Indian clothes to perform a traditional dance. Thank you Primary 2 for taking part so enthusiastically in our activities. We loved having you to visit and hope that your short stay in India was a good one.

Final PEEP Activity

Last week saw the final PEEP session with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, and the theme was using props to bring familiar stories to life. The story was “The Hungry Caterpillar” and, after reading the story and feeding the special caterpillar bag with the food the caterpillar ate during his/her week of eating, our families used food to show the lifecycle of a butterfly.
Eileen said, “This was our last PEEP session and I would like to thank all of the parents, grannies and children who have joined in over the six weeks”.
I’m sure that everyone who took part has enjoyed these sessions and we would like to thank Eileen for her hard work over the past weeks to make these fun activities for all those who took part.

Beautiful Butterflies

Over the past few weeks we have followed the progress of our caterpillars as they have grown and formed their cocoons then finally we saw our beautiful butterflies emerging in their nets this week. It has been an exciting process for the children and some were ready with their cameras to capture images of the newly hatched butterflies who seem to be enjoying the oranges and sugary water we are feeding them. There is certainly no shortage of concerned children keeping a check on them every day.

Gruffalo Hunt

Before the weather took a turn for the worse, some of the children from the Rainbow Room joined the Sunshine Room children in some fun activities in the school nature area. As well as enjoying a picnic and investigating the area, they went on a Gruffalo hunt one day which was great fun as they worked together to find the different characters. As you can see, the children from the Sunshine Room have loved the story and enjoyed drawing the characters once back in Nursery.

Little Visitors

A very interesting parcel appeared in Nursery recently and the children were excited to find that some little caterpillars had arrived to spend time with us. As we were already learning about life cycles, most of them have made good predictions about what might happen to our little visitors. We had a good look at them when they arrived and the children have been keen to follow their progress, checking their size most days. Everyone is looking forward to the next stage happening soon as they have grown quite big.

Fun With Numbers

Here are some of the children and their families at last week’s PEEP session which was all about numbers. As part of the session they played a numbers action game. There was lots of winking, blinking, clapping and hopping. Eileen told me that turning around six times made Alyssa dizzy!! It certainly sounds like a lot of fun.

Tennis Beginners

We have more exciting events to share from our busy Health Week. On Tuesday the morning children enjoyed a session with Mike, the tennis coach, who provided lots of fun activities to help the children learn control of a tennis ball. As you can see, we had coats on and fastened up, as it was quite a chilly day, but everyone listened well and tried their very best with all the different games.
Mike told us that, once the work on Annan tennis courts is complete, there may be classes for younger children so we hope that these children have enjoyed their experience and may want to take part in these classes in the future. Even Andy Murray started at the beginning so who knows what potential our children may have?

Ankle Biters

The start of Health Week did not exactly bring great weather for outdoor activities but, not to be outdone by a bit of rain, our session with Ankle Biters went ahead this morning in the dining hall. As you can see, the children still had great fun learning basic rugby skills so thank you to the ladies who organised the activities. More fun learning will be happening as the week progresses.
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Beautiful Butterflies

As we are talking about minibeasts and lifecycles in Nursery, the children have been taking the opportunity to learn about symmetry in the patterns and colours of butterflies. They have used different ideas to create their butterflies which have provided variety for our colourful display.
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