Treasured Memories

How lovely that Isaac W’s family left this message for us as we finish our Nursery year:

“Thank you Hecklegirth Nursery. Xx”

Mrs. Kirkpatrick also left a comment on our ‘Memories’ post:

“Hopefully we have all made fab memories x”

and left a message for Anthony about his super work,

“Aw what a super self portrait very well done Anthony. I look forward to seeing it displayed in your p1 class 🌈

We hope that we have helped to create lots of memories for the children over the past year and that they might come back to look at our photos to help them think about everything they have experienced and achieved. We, as a staff, certainly greatly treasure those memories.

Messages From Mrs. Irving

Mrs. Irving has been looking at all the recent posts on our blog and has left some messages:

“Anthony, I love your self-portrait. What a super artist you are. How exciting it will be to see it displayed is school when you begin Primary 1.”

She loves the photos with the graduation certificates:

“How lovely it is to see all of these wee smiling faces! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures in Primary 1 where I know you will be awesome! 🙂 “

Mrs. Irving was delighted to see the photos of the bike art prize winners:

“Congratulations Freya and Jasmine! 🙂 🙂

She also loved Sophie’s activity suggestion:

“What a super idea Sophie. We have been loving watching the birds and other wildlife in our garden and when out walking during lockdown. Last week we were really excited to see two beautiful deer on our walk.”

Mrs. Irving, like all of us, just loved the graduation video of all the children moving on to Primary 1:

“Watching this video has me grinning like a cheshire cat. How lucky we are to spend our days playing and having fun with these bright wee buttons. A big thanks to all of our families for sharing your children with us xxx”

Good Luck

We have messages to share from some of the Nursery staff who have been looking at the certificate photos.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick said,

“Aw this is delightful seeing the happy faces, well done everyone and good luck in P1.  Mrs Kirkpatrick xxx”

She also wanted to pass on her congratulations to the bike art prize winners,

“Well done Freya and Jasmine x”

Mrs. Maxwell also left a message,

“Good luck to all the boys and girls going to p.1. It was lovely being able to visit some of you x”

Miss Fleming too wants to send you her best wishes,

“It is lovely to see all those smiling faces. Congratulations everyone on your Nursery Graduation. You will all be missed in Nursery. The very best of luck in Primary 1. You will all do amazing! ⭐

We will certainly miss them all and send them our very best wishes.

Happy Smiles

As mentioned previously, it with sadness that we have not been able to have a graduation ceremony this year but we hope that many of you have enjoyed our video in a previous post, showing all the children who will be leaving our Nursery.

Key workers were also delighted to visit our children this week to deliver their certificates and a little shell memento to decorate and keep as reminder of this year. Fortunately they managed to capture lots of their happy faces which we would like to share here.

Smiling And Crying

Isaac’s family has been looking at the graduation video:

“Wow. Excellent video had me smiling and crying all at the same time. We had wonderful visits from Mrs Irving and Mrs Kirkpatrick yesterday which was a lovely surprise. Isaac has had so much fun, made friends and grown in so many ways at nursery. It’s been a pleasure to watch him turn into the little person he is becoming today. HUGE thank you to all in the raindrop room keep up the excellent work Hecklegirth Nursery. Xxx”

Thank you so much for such very kind comments. We all appreciate them enormously. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all the children and their families too. Thank you,



After her visit yesterday from Mrs. Stott and Miss McVicar, Sophie asked if we could share this photo and video. Her family said,

“She’s so excited after visit from Mrs Stott and Miss Mcvicar! It’s really helped her look forward to starting p 1 as she was quite worried about it so it really was wonderful to see them. Thank you!”

Thank you so much Sophie for thinking of sending us your video and photo. We are delighted to hear that you are excited about Primary 1 and know that you will have a great time there.

Good Luck In Primary 1

As we approach the end of our year in Nursery, it is disappointing that we will be unable to hold our graduation ceremony, due to the current situation. For children, parents and staff this is a great miss as we would have liked to mark the transition of our eldest children to Primary 1.

As a record of the time you have spent in Hecklegirth Nursery, we would like to share this video which includes all those moving to Primary 1 in various schools. We wish you and your families good health and lots of happiness in the future and know that you will all have great fun in Primary 1. “Reach for the Stars” all of you!

Fly Away Butterflies

Mrs. Mackay and her family have kindly shared a video of the moment they released the butterflies they had so carefully nurtured. In the end all ten butterflies emerged from their chrysalises so they had great success. Mrs. Mackay’s daughter was very lucky that one of the butterflies landed on her hand so she was able to get a close look at it for a while before it flew away to a new life. Mrs. Mackay says that this was a great experience which they all plan to do again in the future.

Thank you very much to you and your family for sharing all your photos and videos over the weeks Mrs. Mackay. We are sure that everyone has enjoyed seeing the progress of those little caterpillars.

A Butterfly Is Born


We have exciting news from Mrs. Mackay. After we saw that her caterpillars had formed their chrysalises, we were waiting for the butterflies to emerge and we are excited to tell you that this has now happened. What is even better is that Mrs. Mackay managed to capture one on video just as it was emerging from the chrysalis.

Click on the video below to see it as it happened. Thank you Mrs. Mackay for managing to record this. It is brilliant to watch and we are sure that everyone will enjoy it.

We Are Missing You

Mrs. Kirkpatrick has enjoyed seeing our most recent photos of Robin and his bird feeder:

“I’m sure the birds will love this Robin x”

and of Luca’s photo with his letter,

 “This made me smile 😊  I’m so pleased that you are all delighted to have received a letter from your key worker , we are all missing you x”

It is certainly lovely to hear how much you have valued your letters and that some of you are planning to keep them as a memory of these times.

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