Burns Celebration

We would like to remind everyone that we will be holding a small Burns celebration in Nursery tomorrow, 24th January. It would add to the occasion if the children could wear a little ‘touch o’ tartan’ if possible. Hopefully most of them have or can borrow a hairband, a ribbon or a scarf for the day and anyone who has a kilt or a tartan outfit would certainly help us to celebrate the day in style but the main thing is simply to come and enjoy the day.
The children have done well this week learning their Scottish songs and are looking forward to performing them tomorrow to their families at the end of the Nursery sessions (11.20 and 2.50).

Hello From Finlay

Finlay and his Mum have been looking at our blog and have made two comments.

“Sending big hugs to help you get better Miss Kerr, see you soon. Love Finlay.xxx”

“The photograph in the Annandale of Burns Day was so cute of Finlay and the other boys and girls such a good photograph. Love Finlay’s Mum.x”

Miss Kerr will be so happy to get your messages. I’m sure you’ll be making her feel a lot better.
The photos were good in the paper – it makes such a difference when they’re in colour too.

Burn’s Day Comment

We’re glad to hear that Bethany’s Mum likes her Burn’s Day photo. Well done Granny Thomson with the tartan – Bethany looked great.

“What a super photo! Thanks must go to Granny Thomson for sewing the tartan onto Bethany’s top! We really enjoyed the singing and Granny was glad she got to hear it too.”

Photo Comments

The children seem to have enjoyed our learning about Scotland this term and we hope that you’ve had a good flavour of our activities through the blog as well as our displays. Two families have made recent comments on the children’s photos which we’d like to share with you:

“Shay looks great dressed like a piper.”
He did look wonderful and he did so well telling the children in both Nursery rooms all about his outfit. Thank you Shay.

“Great picture of Ollie painting his tartan. He has really enjoyed the Scottish theme over the past few weeks”.
Ollie certainly does seem to have enjoyed this theme. He was particularly good at talking about the different foods and remembering their Scottish names. Well done Ollie.

Hecklegirth Monsters

The Loch Ness Monster was part of our discussions when learning about Scotland and, as a home activity, the children were set the challenge of inventing a Hecklegirth Monster. It’s great to see that so many of you have been talking about this at home and you have produced some super ideas.
Some of the children have chosen to make a Nessie look-a-like and others are quite different. We have drawings and models, some done together with families and some done by the children on their own. We think that they are all wonderful. The children are always so pleased to share what they have done with their families and it helps to make those important links between Nursery and home.
We hope you enjoy our little gallery showing some of the Hecklegirth Monsters. All the monsters can be seen displayed in the corridor and both Nursery rooms.
Click and then double click to get a bigger view of the photos.

Proud Parents

Everyone was so proud of the children at their Burn’s celebrations. As well as singing beautifully, they all looked fantastic in their ‘touch o’ tartan’. Thank you to those who have left comments on their photos. We really appreciate it.

Ollie’s Dad said:
“What a great photo. Was so excited to hear Ollie introduce his songs to all the mums and dads, a changed boy as he wouldn’t have done that when he first started nursery. Keep up the good work- you are all helping make Ollie the lovely little boy he is. Thanks.”
Ollie did so well and we were all proud of him too. It’s not easy to speak in front of 50 Nursery morning children but to do it for their families too is a real achievement. What’s more, he went on to introduce our songs the next day to the whole school so well done Ollie.

Corey’s Mum commented on two photos:
“Lovely photo of you Corey with some of your friends but next time say cheese looking at the camera lol”
“Gorgeous photo Corey you look good in your plaid”

It is lovely to see them all looking so grown-up in their tartan. Corey seemed to enjoy taking part in our celebrations and did well.

We Like Your Comments

Thanks to Corey and Danny’s families for their recent comments.

Corey’s Mum commented on the recent performance of our Scottish songs:
“Absolutely brilliant singing Corey and all your friends you were so clear you all must have practiced so hard good boy for wearing your plaid you all looked brilliant in your tartan”.

Danny liked the photo of him with the fiddle:
“i love my photo i enjoyed the fiddle”.

We’ve certainly had some great times lately learning about Scotland.

Burn’s Day

On Thursday we enjoyed a great celebration for Burn’s Day with shortbread, oatcakes and cheese and, of course, our toast with Irn Bru. We appreciate everyone making a super effort to provide the children with ‘a touch o’ tartan’: it certainly added to the occasion and they all looked wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who came to hear us singing with Primary 1. It’s so important for the children to have an appreciative audience for their performance and you certainly helped to make it a great occasion for them. Hopefully these photos reflect how much the children seemed to enjoy themselves.
Thank you, as always, for everyone’s support and lovely comments.

Fun with the Fiddle

As part of our learning about Scottish culture, Primary 2 joined us last week in two visits and we all learned about the fiddle. Mrs. Roberts told us about the different parts of it and how the sound comes out. She played us several Scottish tunes which we all enjoyed clapping along to and then we had a little sing-song when she played a few familiar tunes.
Mrs. Roberts even helped some children hold the little fiddle and they were able to make some sounds with it. Maybe one day they will be able to play like Mrs. Roberts.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Roberts and Primary 2 for sharing this experience with us. We all learned lots and had great fun.
Click then double click on a photo to make it bigger.

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