We would like to share these super photos of one of our children busy with his self-portrait for Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon. We think that they will be delighted to display this wonderful work in the classroom ready for Primary 1 in August. Very well done and thank you for sharing your photos.
We hope that those moving on to Hecklegirth Primary 1 are all remembering to post a self-portrait through the school door ready to be displayed in your new classroom. Imagine how exciting it will be to see your work on the wall when you arrive at school on your first day.
Starting school will bring a big change for our children so, to help them prepare, you may wish to look at a book to comfort and reassure them through that transition. Scottish Book Trust has provided a list of beautiful books to support you when having conversations with your child about starting school.
Click on the link below to see their suggestions, several of which we have used with the children in Nursery in the past.
After her visit yesterday from Mrs. Stott and Miss McVicar, Sophie asked if we could share this photo and video. Her family said,
“She’s so excited after visit from Mrs Stott and Miss Mcvicar! It’s really helped her look forward to starting p 1 as she was quite worried about it so it really was wonderful to see them. Thank you!”
Thank you so much Sophie for thinking of sending us your video and photo. We are delighted to hear that you are excited about Primary 1 and know that you will have a great time there.
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Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon are both very much looking forward to getting to know all the new children who will be joining them in August. We thought it would be lovely if everyone moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth drew their new teachers a self-portrait to display in class. So get busy, boys and girls, with your pencils, crayons and pens, and draw yourselves so that your new teachers can see what you look like.
Please put your drawings in an envelope or a poly pocket and post them through the school door so that they can collect them to make a display in your Primary 1 classroom. Make sure that you or your family put your name on the drawing so that Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon know who it has come from. It will be exciting to arrive in your new classroom and see your drawing displayed so we look forward to receiving all your work.
Mr. Palmer has been looking at your photos and videos and has left you a message:
“Just want to say well done boys and girls to all of you who took part in some sports day fun this week. I’ve enjoyed watching all the videos and pictures from yourselves and all the boys and girls in the school as well. The best part for me is seeing so many of you taking part with big smiles on your faces and having fun. Well done. Mr Palmer”
Thank you Mr. Palmer. We are very proud of them all.
One of the main events during the summer term is our school and Nursery sports days. Whilst we aren’t able to come together to enjoy lots of fun activities, we will, along with the school, be holding a week long event instead.
We would like to share this video of us all trying out a little fun activity at home to give the children ideas of challenges to try themselves and we suggest that they ‘have a go’ at a few of them during week beginning Monday 1st June. These are just suggestions that, of course, can be adapted and the children may also want to invent their own activities which we would love to see.
You could organise your ‘sports day’ for any day between Monday and Thursday of week beginning June 1st, depending on weather. Why not share it with other family members during a video call to make it an event for the children?
We would love you to send photos or videos of your event so that we can share them on our blog. Please send them to the school address below by the end of Thursday June 4th so that they can forwarded to us to share.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you have lots of fun.
I wonder if any of you enjoyed Mrs. Irving recently reading “Lucy’s Blue Day” on our blog? Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon thought that Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 might like to hear this story too so their children are going to listen to this animated version this week and their teachers have made a quiz for them to see if they can answer some questions about the story.
Miss Campbell and Mrs. Mahon have kindly shared their activity so that you can have a go at the same activity as Primary 1. You will have to listen well as your family reads the questions then they will help you answer the quiz. We feel sure that there will be some very good listeners out there from our Nursery who will be able to answer some Primary 1 questions.
Click on the link below to begin and have fun. Scroll down slightly to see the answer options.
What beautiful smiles from one of our pupils and her big sister on Uniform Day on Friday. Thank you so much for sending us your photo. We hope to see you soon looking like this in real life.
Today is Uniform Day for Hecklegirth which is a little different from our fun non-uniform days of the past. Here are a few of our staff taking part and looking like they are all happy and ready for their normal working day. Mrs. Mackay’s and Mrs. Carruthers’ daughters have even joined in at home with their own uniforms.
We would love to see photos of any of our children who may be taking part today. Please send a photo to the school address below and it will be forwarded to us to share with others on our blog.
We have enjoyed some great non-uniform days in the past at Hecklegirth so, for a bit of fun, we thought that tomorrow, Friday 15th May, we would have a Uniform Day. If anyone would like to take part and wear their Nursery uniform tomorrow, it would be great if you could send us a photo to the school address