Staying Safe

As the weather warms up and we approach holiday time, the coastguard came to talk to the children about staying safe near water. The children were very enthusiastic to talk about their experiences and contributed lots of ideas to the discussions. We thought we would share some of their comments with you.

Nathan: there’s sinky sand at Powfoot.
Ericka: when the tide comes in, it washes away sandcastles.
Ollie: if you get stuck in the quicksand you could tie yourself to a tree and pull yourself out.
Nate: my Dad had to pull me out of my wellies in the sand.
Jaylin: if you’re on a rock and the tide comes in, it will pull you under the sea.
Rohan: if you get a jellyfish sting you put vinegar and brown paper on it.
Finlay: when the tide comes in you might get washed away.
Mark: sometimes whales go under water and they go on the sand and get stuck.
Nate: if you go to Powfoot beach you have to look at your watch to check the times.
Rory: when a storm comes there are very big waves.
Malachi: shells could hurt your feet.
Jessica: you don’t help someone who’s stuck or you could get stuck in the sand too.
Shay: the river goes to the Solway.
Emily: lifejackets keep you safe in the river.
Logan: call 999 if you need help.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Learning About The Seasons

To help us learn about Spring, we have been talking about our previous learning about the seasons. We talked about what happens in each season and what sort of clothes we wear. Some of the children gave some good answers in these discussions and we thought you’d like us to share some of them with you.

Mischa: Autumn’s the windy one. Kailey: the leaves fall off in Autumn.
Grace: you get conkers in Autumn. Kyle: when it’s windy you need a coat.
Nate: we wear water suits when it’s rainy and things are wet and muddy.

Emily: you need warm clothes, hats, scarves, gloves and boots in Winter.
Liam: Santa comes in Winter Ava: you need a warm coat to keep cosy.
Imogen: you need your wellies in Winter and scarves, hats and gloves.
Shay: we see snow in Winter. Katie: the icicles come.

Ollie: you get your paddling pool out in Summer.
Adam J.: you wear T-shirts and hats when it’s hot.
Mischa: you wear dresses in Summer and you can get your goggles out.
Ava: you need swimming wear.

Malachi: trees grow. Isaac: flowers pop out.
Joseph: all the bulbs grow and the leaves go back on the branches.
Grace: the baby sheep are born and blossom trees grow.
Scott: baby lambs come out of the mummy’s tummy.
Rohan: trees grow and I planted one at my Dad’s.
Summer: you get Easter eggs.
Neve: baby chicks are born and blossom comes on trees.
Hannah: the trees get leaves.
Dawid H.: the flowers grow.

What an exciting time Spring is!

What Did You Think of Keep Fit?

Now that you can see the photos of our Keep Fit activity with the Primary 6 children, we thought we would share some of the comments the children gave on returning to Nursery. These quotes from the Sunshine Room certainly sound like positive feedback for Lauren, Aiden and Louis.

Scott: the star jumps were tricky.
Jordan: my legs nearly broke with running.
Harli: all of it was the best.
Mark: it was hard work but good.
Jaylin: I liked Lauren’s things when we had to shape out like a star.
Summer: I liked the running. It was hard but I could do it.
Finlay: the jumping jacks were the best.
Robbie: my sticker was the best.
Madison: I liked the running ’cause it was going round.
Hollie: running was best.
Evie: I liked the running and exercise bit.
Skye: I liked the jumping bit ’cause I like it ’cause it makes me tired.
Neve: I liked the running best ’cause it’s healthy.
Paige: the running made me tired. I liked the music too.
Hannah: I liked getting the sticker.
Jacquie: the running was good.

Who Do You Love?

With Valentine’s Day on the calendar recently, we have been talking about who we love and how we show that we love someone. As a home activity, the children drew someone they love and told us why they love them. As you can see from the comments below, we had some lovely ideas. All the children’s work is displayed in the corridor. Please take the time to have a look at them all as they will put a smile on your faces.

Jacquie: I love Mummy, Daddy, Arran, Carly and Granny. I love Daddy, Mummy and Granny because they give me cuddles. Arran plays crocodiles. Carly plays with me.

Shay: I love Grandad because he teaches me lots of good things, takes me on a train to special places and is very good to me.

Evie: I love flowers because they have lovely petals. I love Mummy and Leah and Ericka.

Tyler: I love Daddy, Mummy, Cody and Diesel and Nathan. Mummy plays games. Daddy takes me to the park. Cody and Diesel play on the field. Nathan is my cousin and best friend.

Lewis: I love Granny because she likes One Direction and she likes to dance.

Kyle: I love my big brothers Lewis and Jack because they play football outside with me.

Malachi: I love my Mummy and Daddy and Millie because they are my family and they are the best.

Abbi: I love Mummy and Daddy and Granny and the dogs. I love them very much because I like them – they’re my friends. Mummy’s good at cooking. Daddy looks after me and Granny.

Dawid H: I love all my family and Steve ( Nursery’s monkey) because they make me happy and play games with me.

Scott: I love Mummy and Daddy and Grant, Granny, Papa, Granny and Grandad and Hamish. They play with me and give me kisses and cuddles. They take me somewhere special and tuck me up in bed and read me stories.

Julia: I love my Mum and Dad. They take care of me and really love me. They buy me nice toys when I’m a good girl.

What Do We Know About China?

As we moved from learning about Scotland to China, with Chinese New Year celebrations approaching, we discussed what we think China and Chinese people might be like. Here are some of the children’s ideas.

Hannah: they like dragons.
Scott: they build their houses of hay and sticks.
Ericka: they dress up in Chinese costumes.
Leah: they use chopsticks for eating noodles.
Rohan: I know how they make dragon costumes. They use sticks. The scales are made of paper.
Paige: they look different from us.

Neve: they eat with chopsticks and they eat stuff with carrots in. They like fireworks.
Mark: they make vegetables.
Jessica: they wear dresses and a cardigan on top.
Matthew: they look different. They’ve got different faces.
Joseph: the houses are red and green.
Calise: they eat chicken.
Hayden: they eat chicken and fried rice.
Joao: it’s a hot country.

What do you think of the artist’s work?

As part of our learning about Autumn, we have looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked at his portraits of “Summer” and “Autumn” to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then we used food to make our own portraits. Here are some our comments on Arcimboldo’s paintings. Examples of our own work will follow soon.

Katie: I like the Autumn one. I like the potato.
Liam: an artist makes pictures. I like the “Summer” Arcimboldo picture best ’cause he’s smiling on his picture.
Abbi: I like the leaves on the “Autumn” one.
Hayden: I like the “Autumn” one. His nose is funny.
Nate: the artist’s called Arcimboldo. The pumpkin is funny on his head.
Emily: I like the cherries on the picture.
Adam: I like the “Summer” one. I like all the stuff that’s hiding in his hair.
Olivia: I like the “Autumn” one. The “Summer” one looks colder.

Food Glorious Food

We have been talking about our favourite foods in Nursery as part of learning to be good talkers and listeners. Here are some of our ideas.

Julia: yoghurt

Sara: sweeties

Shay: haggis and chicken

Kyle: little packets of chocolate

Ava: sweeties – pink ones and Peppa ones.

Patryk: chocolate and sweeties from Mummy and Daddy

Danny: pizza

Adam: white ice-cream with sprinkles on

Ollie: mint ice-cream with cake and sprinkles

Imogen: sausages and chips

Nathan: mince and tatties

Kailey: vanilla ice-cream – I don’t like sprinkles, only sauce

Katie: bolognaise – Mummy makes it and sometimes it gets on your face

Keira: ice-cream – the chocolate button one you get at Tesco

Nate: peanut butter sandwich

Liam: ham sandwich and some crisps

Lewis: pasta in cheese sauce

What have you enjoyed in Nursery?

As we come to the end of another fantastic year in our Nursery, we asked the children what they have enjoyed. Although they find it difficult to reflect back to experiences that seem long ago to them, most children were able to talk about what they have liked best. As you can see from the range of ideas, everyone takes something different from their time in Nursery but each child has developed in their own individual way.

Thank you again to all our families for their wonderful support this year. We have all been overwhelmed by the very kind and touching sentiments that have been expressed to us over the past week and feel very lucky to have worked and played with your children this year.

Have a great holiday and do please keep in touch with us through our blog if your child is moving on to a new school. We love to hear about their progress.

 What did you enjoy in Nursery?

Rohan: I liked the butterflies when we let them go.

Jack V.: outside, running around and having a good time.

Finlay: having the graduation concert.

Mischa: I liked playing in the beach and having snack.

Jordy: I liked letting the butterflies out and I liked Trotter’s and I liked everything in Nursery and I’ll miss it.

Ryan: playing with the trains.

Mya: the whiteboard’s really good.

Courtney: playing in the beach.

Layton: I liked when we were learning about Loch Ness and Chinese New Year.

Iona: I liked playing on the big board.

Sam L.: I’ll miss it all.

Jaylin: I like everything. It’s just good.

Paige: playing on the whiteboard

Eleanor: the big whiteboard.

Jack T.: playing on the bikes outside.

Natan: drawing.

Katie: reading a story.

Leah: the house corner. The café was the best.

Liam: the beach is the best.

Reece: jig-saws.

What do you think of our wall?

Now that the children’s ideas have been so fantastically transformed by Rory’s Mum and Dad into a piece of art on our garden wall, we asked them what they thought of it. We hope that you all enjoy their comments. The story of this design from beginning to end is in a book in the story corner for everyone to look at.

Layton: I like the Earth. It’s where we live and it’s got a bit of jig-saw attached.

Grace: I like the princess – she’s going to her castle.

Rohan: I like all of it. That lady’s called a mermaid ‘cause she comes out of the water and looks for a dinosaur and goes back underwater to hide.

Theo: I like the Loch Ness monster.

Neve: I like the princess’ dress.

Hannah A.: I like the planet. I think everyone dances on it.

Lee: I like the puzzle ‘cause it’s got a spider’s web.

Liam: the green lizard’s good.

Emily D.: the rocket flying past the moon.

Haydn: I like the Loch Ness monster that’s in the water.

Finlay: I like the butterfly and Stan the Star and the planet – I think it’s Mars.

Caleb: I like the spider in the web. It’s stuck.

Courtney: I like the princess. I like her dress best.

Lexie: the sunflowers are the best bit.


Thoughts on a Healthy Lifestyle

At the start of our “Healthy and Happy Week” we talked about what we can do to stay healthy. We thought we would share some of the children’s thoughts. More of their ideas can be enjoyed in the “Thinking Books” in the book area.

What makes us healthy?

 Neve: sleep helps you grow.

Courtney: brush your teeth before you go to bed.

Evan: vegetables. I like bananas too.

 Zak:if you don’t eat healthy food you get fillings.

Finlay: if all your teeth fall out, you only get rubber teeth and you have to put them in a glass of water at night.

Hannah A.: carrots

Rohan: if you play on a trampoline it makes you healthy.

Layton: sweets make you fat and they can make you hyper. I learned that from my Mum. If you go hyper you go out of yourself and be naughty.

Theo: vegetables.

Paige: have breakfast.

Jack V.: eat fruit.

Miley: you can’t have sweets all the time.

Ryan: you need lots of sleep. You get rested through the night.  

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