The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster has been part of our discussions when learning about Scotland and the children seem to have mixed opinions on whether it exists or not. For those who believe in it, we have had some wonderful ideas about what the monster might be like.

Hollie: he is like a sizzly snake.
Callum: it’s a monster and it’s like a dinosaur and it’s called ‘Nessie’.
Ava: he is like a stretchasaurus.
Daryl: he’s like a dinosaur.
Sophie S.: I think it’s green and scary in the water.
Cian: it’s green and it has sharp teeth. You see it in films and books.
Torrin: it looks like a snake and it swims in the water.
Max A.: he lives under the water.
Darcy: he’s got smelly teeth and spikes.
Joe H.: I’ve got a jumper with the Loch Ness Monster on. I think it’s a real monster – it’s like a giant.
Theo: it’s real. It looks like a green puddle.
Jade S.: I don’t think there’s a real monster ’cause I’ve never seen one down the river and it doesn’t exist.
Conan: I think it’s a teddy but it looks real.
Sophie M.: I’m sure there is a Nessie ’cause on my jigsaw it told me the deepest monster in the sea lives in Loch Ness and it’s in Scotland.
Ben: when I was going fishing I saw a big, big fish and it was the Loch Ness Monster what lived in Scotland.

What Do We Know About Winter?

Our learning at the start of this term has been about winter and how it affects our lives. Our initial discussions focussed on what we know about this time of year and we would like to share some of the ideas that the children gave us.

Theo: when I was on the motorway I saw a flood. I saw signs that said Hexham and Newcastle and it was a flood with lots of water.
Zander: there’s no leaves on the trees. They grow in Spring.
Sophie M: Jack Frost comes out. He frosties everything. He flies with a stick.
Jade S.: there’s snow in Winter and in Poland there’s lots and lots of snow.
Ben: you need a coat and wellie boots and gloves.
Keira M: when it snows it’s fluffy on the grass.
Suzie: everything goes white like glass.
Kacey: you need hats, scarves and gloves.
Max L.: you sometimes see the moon at daytime.
Mikey: the sun shines but it’s cold.
Lucas: you’ve got to have a coat on.
Isaac: you can build a snowman.
Lexie: you get snow days.
Effy: socks make your feet warm. It’s like night time when you have your tea.
Armana: the animals go away to hide.
Ewan: if you wear shorts you’ll freeze.
Lewis: the frost makes everything white.

Who Looks After You When You’re Ill?

After reading and discussing the book “Bear Feels Ill”, we talked about who looks after us when we are ill.
Zander: my Dad gives me a bandage
Niamh P.: my Mummy – she gives me an apple.
Jade S.: my Dad. He lets me snuggle on the couch with the cuddly blanket and watch tele’.
Keira M.: my Daddy gives me Calpol.
Callum: I get a drink of Summer Fruits off my Mummy when I’m not well.
Ava: Grandma and Mummy look after me.
Cian: Mummy, Daddy, Granny and Grandpa look after me when I’m ill. They phone the doctor in the night.
Julia L.: I stay inside and keep in my bed.
Effy: my Granny gives me hot milk.
Torrin: everyone looks after me. I get medicine so I don’t cough.
Ayda: Mummy cuddles me and kisses me. She gives me chewy sweets.
Charlie: my Mummy gives me apples. I give Mummy biscuits when she’s got a cold.
Max L.: Paige makes medicine to make me feel better.
Isaac: Mummy tells me to have a wee sleep then she gets me a drink.

Coin Rubbing

The Financial Education Officer who visited us recently has been visiting our blog:

“I was really impressed with the childrens coin rubbings when I visited. I hope everyone at home enjoyed looking at them! Well done to all the Nursery children! Bev :-)”

Thanks again for your visit Bev and for commenting on our blog. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

Sunflower Planting

To tie in with our Family Learning growing project and work based on our learning about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers as well as painting them. Everyone should now have a little pot with their sunflower seed at home and the children should be able to tell their families what they need to do to look after it. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their plants or a photo back to Nursery later in the term to show us how well they are growing.
In the meantime here are some photos and comments from the planting activity.

Ava T: you put a seed in and some compost inside.
Jade: we were planting sunflowers. We give them sunshine and water and I’m caring for mine.
Teigan: we made our own flowers and gave them water.
Conan: it was Vincent Van Gogh who did the sunflowers.
Suzie: you put soil in then you put the seed in then you water it then you take it home.
Josie: when you make plants you need water and seeds.
Lexi: we were making sunflowers. You put soil in then plant a seed. Water makes them grow.
Logan: we were planting flowers. You need sun and water to make them grow.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is the latest artist that the children have learning about and to get a taste of his work we looked at “Sunflowers” and “Starry Night”. The children talked about what they liked in his paintings and which painting they preferred.

Bethany: I like “Starry Night” best ’cause it has lots of stars on it. It’s funny that it’s a yellow moon – it should be white.
Dan: I like “Sunflowers” best ’cause it’s got nice colours.
Riley: I like the vase in the “Sunflowers”
Kailey: “Starry Night” is best ’cause it’s colourful.
Freya: I like the “Sunflowers” one best ’cause I like sunflowers.
Theo: I like the blue bits in the middle of the sunflowers.

The children also produced their own artwork using Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” as inspiration. Have a look in Nursery and you can see their super efforts. We will put photos of their art work here soon.

What is an incubator for?

In an earlier post we talked about a new arrival in Nursery (see below). The children tried to work out what the new addition might be and then they were to ask at home what an incubator does.
Here are some of the children’s ideas.

Jayden: it’s an egg box. It warms eggs up to help them crack.
Finlay: baby hens can hatch.
Joey: it’s an egg warmer and keeps the eggs cosy.
Simon: a thermometer keeps an eye on the temperature.
Zachary: it’s for hatching eggs.
Brogan: I see a monitor. It checks the time.
Ciaran: chicks come out of the eggs.
Tom: the Mummy chicken isn’t there so the incubator is keeping the eggs warm. They are going to be chicks.
Bethany: it needs electricity.
Rebecca: there is eggs and there is going to be lots of chicks.
Mary: it’s warm to keep the chickens warm and cosy.
Lexi: I think the chicks are going to be in Nursery to say ‘Hello’.
Sophie L.: the incubator is warming the eggs up.

Well done boys and girls. We think that you done good research at home. Thank you also to Simon’s Mum and Dad who have brought us eggs for our incubator. I wonder when they will start to hatch?

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

As we began to learn about Spring and growing, the children discussed the seasons and what happens at different times of the year.

Bethany: it snows in Winter and snowflakes come down.
Kailey: in Summer there’s loads of flowers and you get to go outside lots and I always go to Hoddom for a sleepover.
Freya: lambs grow on my birthday.
Theo: you can bash your cars in Autumn ’cause it’s bad weather.
Dan: you get Easter eggs in Spring.
Riley: you see flowers on the trees in Spring.
Zachary: trees grow in Summer.
Ava: flowers start to grow in Spring. We get blossom on the trees.
Ben: the water gets very deep in Winter.

The children are certainly beginning to show an understanding of the seasons. Hopefully they should be able to talk a little at home now about what happens in Spring.

Future Careers?

As the children have been finding out about the various jobs that are available to them in the future, they have begun to think about which career they might be interested in. Here are some of the ideas from the children in the Sunshine Room.

Malachi: I want to be in the police and look for money and cash that people have lost.
Ava W.: I want to be an Annan swimming teacher.
Suzie: I want to work in a Nursery.
Robbie: I want to work in a garage and fix tyres.

Deryn: I want to work at the cinema.
William: I want to be a builder. I’d be working in a crane.
Lexi: I want to be a queen and I’d tell the people what to do.
Jessica W.: I want to be a ballerina teacher.

Tom: I think I want to be in the police.
Carmen: I’d like to work in a shop to put make-up on.
Sophie L.: I want to be a shopkeeper in Tesco.

It will be interesting to see how many of them fulfil their wishes in the future.

Doctors and Dentists

We would like to share more of the children’s ideas about what people do as part of their work. Our photos of the doctor’s surgery led to discussions about doctors and dentists.

Isla: you go to the dentist to sort your teeth.
Joey: they take your teeth out if they’re sore.
Amy-Leigh: the dentist might take a tooth out when you’re asleep.
Zachary: the dentist counts your teeth.
Ava V.: the dentist makes sure you clean your teeth.
Bethany: a dentist looks after teeth.
Mikey: the doctor says, “Don’t go to school tomorrow”.
Freya: the doctor makes you feel better.
Ben: we have a hospital and doctor’s in Annan. When you’re old they put something in your mouth and you get better.

I wonder if any of the boys or girls in Nursery will be doctors or dentists one day?

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