Family Rhyme Time

Friday saw our first Family Learning event of the year and we are delighted that a good number of children and their families chose to take part. Nursery rhymes was the theme and everyone seemed to have good fun with scissors, glue and singing lots of different rhymes. Thank you to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this great activity – everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Here are some of the children busy with their families.

Good News Tree

Thank you to all those families who have been helping the children share news for our good news trees. The leaves are beginning to fill the tree in each room and it’s great to hear all your news from home. If you still have your leaf at home please bring it in to Nursery and we will add it to the others. Here are some of the achievements already on display.

Ben W. swam a short distance without armbands during his swimming lesson.
Keegan can ride his bike without stabilisers.
James said that his baby sister laughs when he tickles her.
Dylan can pedal his bike properly now.
Thom has learned to swim without his armbands and just needs a snorkel now.
Max L. can swim in his Nana’s pool with no armbands on.
Joshua had a big boy’s haircut with the clippers and didn’t cry.
Orla can ride her bike without stabilisers.
Peter can sing the alphabet song.
Kacper is learning to ride a bike on two wheels.
Mollie can get dressed by herself.
Nadia is looking forward to her grandmother coming to visit from Poland.

What a lot of wonderful good news! Keep sharing your news with us boys and girls – we love to hear about what is happening in your lives.

Orla’s Award

Orla’s Mum is pleased with her award:

“Thank you for Orla’s special award. We are delighted that she has been helping the new children settle into nursery. We hope that they all enjoy nursery as much as Orla does.”

Well done Orla. It seems no time since you started in Nursery and now you are helping other children to settle in. We are all proud of how kind and helpful you have been.

Learning The Rules

Keegan’s Mum has been looking at our photos showing the children learning about the Nursery rules:

“So nice to see them all helping to tidy up xx”

The children are doing very well learning the rules and they are starting to understand about tidying up after they have played with something. We hope that they are doing it at home too.

Brilliant Fun

Kenzie’s Mum and Dad have been enjoying the photos of the first few days in Nursery:

“Kenzie loves dressing up, looks shy in this photo, don’t be fooled. Only been first full day, loves Nursery already, brilliant :)

“Kenzie really enjoying all the different activities, especially going outside. Having brilliant fun, and loves all her teachers.”

We hope that Kenzie continues to be happy in Nursery.

Learning Journey

Two of our families have been enjoying our recent photos of the children busy in their play:

“Owen having great fun counting the animals, he has settled in really well and can’t wait for the following day to get to Nursery! Great….”

“Thank you for making Dylan feel so welcome and for helping him to settle in so well.. He has thoroughly enjoyed his first few days at nursery and has been so full of enthusiasm when he has been talking about what he has been doing. I have no doubt thatt Dylan is going to be so happy and have fun enjoying his learning journey at Hecklegirth nursery :-)

Thank you for contributing to our blog with such positive comments. It’s great to hear that you feel that your children are happy and settled – it’s what we all want.

Time For Rhyme

We would like to draw your attention to our first Family Learning event of the year on Friday 4th September. Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, is planning “Time For Rhyme” sessions for you and your child to decorate rhyme bags and make some rhyme ‘props’.
A letter will be in your child’s tray in Nursery this week explaining Family Learning to everyone and you can sign up for the sessions, if you wish, on the grids on display on the Family Learning board in the Nursery corridor. We hope that lots of families take the opportunity to join in this fun activity.

Dylan’s First Day

Dylan’s Mum has left us a lovely message:

“Dylan really enjoyed his first day yesterday and is looking forward to coming back today xx”

Thank you very much for taking the time to post a comment – we are delighted that Dylan enjoyed his first day. We would love it if lots of our families visited our blog to let us know what they think about Nursery.

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