Scooting Fun

Thom and Olivia have had fun during “Big Pedal Week” judging by the comments from their families:

“Thom really enjoyed it but because he brought his scooter he wants to bring his bike next time to learn new tricks!”

“Olivia has had a fantastic week bringing her scooter to nursery! She even went to bed wearing her helmet on monday night!!! A great idea and lovely to see all the children showing such enthusiasm!”

I wonder if Olivia had lovely dreams about scooting? It was great to see such a fantastic response to this week and we hope that lots of you continue to cycle or scoot to Nursery.

Cars, Trains and Lots of Fun

Dylans’ family has been looking at the photos of the children visiting P1 and 1/2:

“Dylan had a fab time when he visited Primary 1, he was full of chat about his visit when he came home and said he was happy there was cars and a train track there, he is looking forward to more visits.”

Good to hear that you enjoyed yourself Dylan. We will be having more visits next term to investigate what you can do in Primary 1.

Lots of Fun

Some of our families have been looking at the photos of the egg decorating competition:

Olivia’s family said, “We had lots of fun turning Olivia’s boiled eggs into her baby sister and baby cousin!!”

Neve’s family had fun too: “Neve loved making the easter bunny eggs was great fun”

It really is amazing how many different things a boiled egg can be turned into. We thought that they were all super.

Eggs-ellent Eggs!

What a lot of fantastic eggs appeared from our Nursery children for the decorated boiled egg competition! It was great to see that so many children and their families had worked together at home on this fun Easter activity and the Nursery/Primary 1 tables were full of lots of creative ideas. Well done to the Primary 1 winner and to Cormac from Nursery who was the runner-up in our category but a huge thanks and well done to everyone who took the time to enter the competition. We thought that your eggs were amazing!

Easter Crafts

Easter craft activities were very popular last week with children and their families as Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, organised some fun with coloured paper, glue and pipe cleaners. It was great to see lots of children and their families take part. Thanks, as always, to Eileen – we are sure that everyone enjoyed your super activities. Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Doctors and Nurses

Owen’s family likes the photo of him on our “dress as your favourite job” day:

“Great photo of Owen, he really loved being Dr McGregor for the day, a great task for them to do, he was really excited about it.”

He does really look the part. I think we will all be alright as we get older because lots of the children want to be doctors and nurses when they are grown up so we should be well look after.

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