Numbers and Shapes

Thank you to all those families who have taken part in the national Maths Week by bringing in examples of numbers and shapes from their environment. It is lovely to see the children enthusiastic about maths and sharing their learning with us. Here are more photos from this special week. Well done everyone for producing a great display.
Click then click again for a clearer view.

Maths Week

We would like to remind you that this week (beginning 11th September) is Scotland’s first Maths Week, a week dedicated to numeracy and mathematics.
To encourage the children’s participation in this national event, we would like them to look out for numbers and shapes in the environment. We would be delighted if they brought examples to Nursery of what they find. This might be some packaging, a cutting from a catalogue or magazine or a photo of something they have found when out and about in the community with their families, such as a road sign or a door number.
We will display the children’s findings in Nursery so that they can be shared and discussed with everyone. We look forward to seeing what the children can find.

Have Your Say on Early Learning and Childcare

As you may be aware, the Scottish Government is planning to nearly double the hours of free early learning and childcare by 2020. As the views of parents and carers are crucial for the success of this expansion, the Government has commissioned independent researchers to undertake a survey of parents. It is now asking for help from parents of all children 0-5 in our community to share their views by completing a survey which can be found at .

All parents taking part will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw and have the chance to win one of 10 x £100 cash prizes.

The survey is carried out for the Scottish Government by Craigforth, an independent research company.

Afternoon Graduation

As promised, here is a selection of photos of the afternoon children at their graduation ceremony yesterday. Just like the morning children, they made us feel very proud of them all. Photos of our award winners will follow soon. We hope that you enjoyed our end of year celebration and would like to thank all our families who have provided such wonderful support.


We were all so proud of the children at our graduation ceremony today as they sang and danced to celebrate their year in Nursery. They showed great confidence to perform to their families and then to walk on stage on their own to shake hands and receive their certificates.
Thank you to Mr. Palmer for taking time to present the children with their awards and for being so patient to pose with each child so that a precious family photo could be taken. Thank you also to all the family and friends who attended our little ceremony and for your support throughout the year.
Here is a gallery of the morning children. I will put photos of the afternoon children on as soon as possible.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow (Tuesday) in the school hall for our little graduation to celebrate the end of our year. Please bring your child to Nursery at normal times and use the front door of the school when you return to the hall for our celebration. We ask that you please park in the John Bell car park and not the staff car park. We hope that all the boys and girls bring their good singing voices and we look forward to seeing you all.


Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to take the time today to bring their children for a visit to Nursery. Lots of children have been visiting with playgroups over the past few weeks but it was lovely to see them with their families today. We look forward to seeing you all again in August.


Thank you very much to those parents who have completed our end of year questionnaire. As we are collating the results to build on progress for next year, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could return these to Nursery as soon as possible if they have not already done so. We value your opinions and the more parents who return the questionnaire, the clearer a picture we have of all your views. Thank you.

Buddies Meet Our Families

Primary 6 buddies are making such a good job of building relationships with their new little friends that our children are growing in confidence every time they visit Primary 1 or the school playground.
The buddies very kindly took the time to write letters to their Nursery child’s family so that they know a little about them and they have recently introduced themselves to their parents/carers. We hope that this has eased any of the worries you may have had about your child moving to Primary 1 and that you enjoy sharing the letters with your children.
Thank you Primary 6 children for doing a super job. You certainly are responsible citizens and effective contributors!

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