Happy Birthday Celebrations

The sun shone brightly for our celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday on Friday. Some of the children had a good attempt at making their own Union Jack flags and crowns while others made birthday cards for the Queen and we had a lovely little garden party by way of celebration. So many of the children added to the occasion by wearing red, white and blue so thank you to everyone for helping out with this. We hope that these photos give you a sense of the occasion.
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Butterfly News

Thom’s family had an interesting update on the butterflies that we released:

“Thom was very excited to see the butterfly still sitting on the flower when we returned to pick up Sophie at 3pm!”

That is surprising. Just as well we decided to go back in to Nursery after a while or we could have had a long wait. Perhaps they were just very happy where we left them?

Bye Bye Butterflies

After following the progress of our caterpillars which grew and formed their cocoons, we finally saw our beautiful butterflies emerging in their nets last week. After feeding them on sugary water and slices of oranges, it seemed that they were ready to fly off and on Thursday we found a quiet spot to release them near the nature area at the front of the school. Although they did not seem keen to leave us, Miss Kerr gave them a helping hand to settle on the flowers which gave everyone a chance to have a close look at our little butterflies before we waved them goodbye.
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Floating and Sinking

The children have been taking lots of their learning outdoors in the recent warm weather and we captured some photos last week of a group investigating floating and sinking. There was lots of discussion about exactly what was happening and why some objects “stayed on the top” and some “went down to the bottom”. What better way to learn than with big bowls of water in the sunshine?
Let’s hope that this wonderful weather continues as one of the current areas of interest is searching for minibeasts in the garden.

Playground Visits

There have been some excited Nursery children in the school playground over the past couple of weeks when the children moving to Hecklegirth P1 in August went out to play.
After visiting the playground when no other children were there, they then joined the rest of the school for a visit at break and lunch times. Despite it being a very busy time, the buddies ensured that all the children were confident and happy to try out the different areas of the playground, the field and the timber trails. It was wonderful to see how much the children had grown in confidence to visit different areas of the school thanks to some super support from Primary 6. Just look at all those happy faces! Hopefully we will manage another visit to the playground soon. Well done P6 buddies! You are doing a super job!
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running and jumping skills to prepare for our Fun Activity Day tomorrow (Wednesday). They have grown in confidence, shown good teamwork and had great fun. We are looking forward to lots of families and friends cheering the children on as they show you what they can do. We hope to bring the children on to the field around 9.30 and 2.00 when they will start moving round their activities in groups. Fingers crossed that the sun decides to shine tomorrow.

Outdoor Spring Clean

After all our hard workers got the wood chips barrowed and raked onto the outdoor areas, it was time to transport the topsoil to our digging bed. The huge bag seemed to provide endless trips with barrow loads of soil but eventually our bed was full and the bag was empty. The diggers and spades have been very busy outdoors since the new soil arrived so thank you again to all those children who worked so hard to give our digging area a spring clean.

Garden Delivery

Thom’s family has been looking at the photos of the children busy with the new bark in the garden:

“Thom was very keen to show me the big blue bag when we walked past it on our way home, I notice though he wasn’t there to help with the hard work! I’m surprised as he usually likes getting mucky! We happened to be passing when the truck brought the next bag and he was very pleased the driver waved to us.”

Lots of the children have been helping to spread the next delivery as part of their play. What started out as a little hill of bark is slowly being dug, raked and spread to make a much improved base for our digging area so well done to all those children who have been helping out.

Outdoor Teamwork

There was great excitement earlier this week when a delivery of bark and topsoil arrived to top up our outdoor area and its arrival was all the more exciting when it was delivered over the hedge by a lifting arm.
A team of hardworking gardeners was then on hand to carry the bark to the areas we needed it. As you can see, we saw some great teamwork as spades and rakes got into action, the barrows were filled and were tipped across our digging area. Thank you to everyone who helped – you did a super job. The good news is that we had another delivery today so we will need to get our sleeves rolled up again over the next few days.

Recent Events

Dylan’s family has been looking at some of our recent posts on the visit to church and the Big Pedal Week:

“Dylan really enjoyed his visit to the church, he fair talked about when he went up the steps with Luca and the bird garden that he saw x”

“This(Big Pedal Week) has been a great idea, was great to see so many children and parents out on their bikes and scooters, taking part, it has certainly encouraged Dylan to be out on his bike more and helping build his confidence x”

It’s great to hear that Dylan has been enjoying recent events in Nursery. It was lovely to see lots of bikes and scooters being brought in that week. Let’s hope that lots of you keep up with your cycling and scooting especially as the warmer weather hopefully starts to appear. The more you practise the better you get.

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