Super Concentration

Joshua H’s family likes the photo of him making toast on the fire:

“Joshua loves experimenting with & making food & doing different activities. He’s concentrating so much in this photo, he would of been in his element.”

You are right. Joshua does look as if he is concentrating well. You can’t beat making your own snack outdoors – I’ve not seen the children so enthusiastic about toast for a while.

Toast in the Rain

The afternoon boys and girls have been asking for a little while if we could have another fire but the weather seems to have been against us each time we have planned to do it so we decided last week to experiment with a fire under our outdoor canopy. As you can see, this was a great success and it was lovely to make toast on the fire while the rain trickled down on the canopy roof. It’s amazing how many pieces of toast were made that day and the thick slathering of jam seemed to make it particularly tasty.

Super Den

dens4I wonder if anyone has noticed a recent change in our outdoor area? Some of the morning children were very busy recently, creating a new style of den that we had not seen before, using the fence as part of their construction. What great teamwork and perseverance they showed to create a really super den where they enjoyed great imaginative play. The children decided to leave some of the wooden planks round the corner of the fencing so we will wait to see what might develop there next.

Den Building

Problem solving and teamwork are a big part of many aspects of outdoor play and den building and the imaginative play that often happens in dens very much exemplifies this. Outdoor play is always popular, regardless of weather, and we thought we would share these photos we found from earlier in the year showing some of the children busy at work den building.

Learning About Winter

As we arrived back on the first day of term, about to learn about the signs of winter, the weather was kind enough to provide hard, frozen ground and lumps of ice in the Nursery garden. Those playing outdoors were very excited with their frozen finds which prompted great discussion about what would happen if we brought the ice indoors. There was no need to wait today for our ice cubes to form in the freezer for our indoor tray, as these super scientists brought their lumps of ice indoors to see if their predictions were true. Thank you Mr. Jack Frost for providing us with a great learning opportunity and to these boys and girls for super teamwork.


Miss Calvert, our Childhood Studies student, finished her placement with us yesterday. As part of her course she made instruments with the children to use outdoors so we thought that we would share a few photos with you of her activity.
No doubt Miss Calvert will be missed by the children but she will be back in Nursery next term on her final placement so we look forward to seeing her again soon.

New Wood Supplies

As our wood supplies were dwindling in our outdoor area, we were lucky to get a delivery as a kind donation from Mr. Kerr at the end of last term. As you can see from the photos, the children loved being little helpers to carry the wood into the garden and some decided that they wanted it painted so they took on the responsibility of doing that themselves. Of course, as soon as a new pile of wood appeared, it was not long before dens were being built and lots of super imaginative play developed as a result. Well done for more super teamwork boys and girls.

Safe Sparkles

After the excitement of Hallowe’en, inevitably we quickly moved on to discuss Bonfire Night experiences and no learning about Bonfire Night is complete, of course, without a discussion about staying safe.
Rather than simply talking about the dangers of fire and fireworks, we made our own little fire one day last week to help us talk about safety and on Friday we held some sparklers. The children showed a good understanding of how to stay safe and were very sensible when handling their sparklers. Well done boys and girls.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.


With all our work in the garden last term making a fairy garden, a sensory planter and some outdoor seating, we inevitably ran out of materials so a helpful little group went down town with staff to replenish our supplies. As well as shopping for varnish and some new brushes, the children took the opportunity to look for signs of Autumn on their walk and brought some lovely finds back for our display area.

Outdoor Seating

As work on our outdoor area developed last term, the children learned how to use tools safely so some took the opportunity to practise their skills when we decided to turn some tree trunks into outdoor seating. As you can see, this super little team worked away with the hammer and chisel to remove some of the outer bark and then got to work with a paintbrush and varnish to give them a shiny finish. We think that they did a great job. Good teamwork boys and girls.

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