Train Adventures

We love it when the children show creativity with the resources they find outdoors so thought that we would share these recent photos of a group who decided to make a train. This was the start of some great imaginative play with the children planning all sorts of adventures from going to the park to a journey to the moon.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Bye Bye Butterflies

It seems like a long time ago but, after caring for them for a week, we recently released the butterflies that the children had observed so closely from being little caterpillars. Although they did not seem keen to leave us, Miss Kerr gave them a helping hand to settle on our willow and flowers in the nature area which gave everyone a chance to have a close look at our little butterflies before we waved them goodbye. I wonder where they are now?

Can You Spot Your Stone?

The children who recently brought stones to Nursery as part of our Multicultural Week activities have started to paint them today. It’s not too late to bring a stone in if you would like to be part of the whole school display in the nature area at the end of the week. We think that these first stones look super and hope that lots more children join in with this activity. I wonder if anyone can spot their own stone here?

Gruffalo Hunt

Before the weather took a turn for the worse, some of the children from the Rainbow Room joined the Sunshine Room children in some fun activities in the school nature area. As well as enjoying a picnic and investigating the area, they went on a Gruffalo hunt one day which was great fun as they worked together to find the different characters. As you can see, the children from the Sunshine Room have loved the story and enjoyed drawing the characters once back in Nursery.

Willow Work

The afternoon children can be seen here carrying out an important task to help look after our garden. They were recently in charge of spraying the willow tunnel with soapy water in the hope that this discourages the wasps from settling there. What super work you did boys and girls. Well done for looking after our Nursery environment.

Playground Visits

The children moving to Hecklegirth P1 in August had some exciting times lately when they visited the school playground. Their Primary 6 buddies ensured that all the children were confident and happy to try out the different areas of the playground, the field and the timber trails. It was wonderful to see how much the children had grown in confidence thanks to some super support from their buddies.
Hopefully we will soon enjoy another visit to the playground when the rest of the school is out playing. Well done P6 buddies! You are doing a super job!

Pass The Baton

As part of last week’s Health Week activities we took part in a whole school and Nursery relay which involved a baton being passed from class to class all day round the school grounds. Well done to the Nursery children for playing their part in keeping the baton going.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Tennis Beginners

We have more exciting events to share from our busy Health Week. On Tuesday the morning children enjoyed a session with Mike, the tennis coach, who provided lots of fun activities to help the children learn control of a tennis ball. As you can see, we had coats on and fastened up, as it was quite a chilly day, but everyone listened well and tried their very best with all the different games.
Mike told us that, once the work on Annan tennis courts is complete, there may be classes for younger children so we hope that these children have enjoyed their experience and may want to take part in these classes in the future. Even Andy Murray started at the beginning so who knows what potential our children may have?

Fun in the Sun

It seemed too good to be true that the sun decided to shine on our Fun Activity Day, after a rather wet start to Health Week, but we were very grateful for the lucky weather. Thank you so much to all family and friends who took the time to cheer on the children today, as well as the buddies of Primary 6 who were great helpers and supporters of the children both morning and afternoon.
We are sure that, like us, you felt very proud of them all as they confidently showed off their skills and great teamwork. We managed to capture photos of some of the children with those well deserved medals and an ice lolly finished off our day nicely. We hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Well done boys and girls – you really showed yourselves to be ‘confident individuals’.

Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running and jumping skills to prepare for our Fun Activity Day tomorrow (Wednesday). They have grown in confidence, shown good teamwork and had great fun. We are looking forward to lots of families and friends cheering the children on as they show you what they can do. We hope to bring them on to the field around 9.30 and 2.00 when they will start moving round their activities.
It is quite tricky to get photos of the children practising their activities as they move so quickly but here is a taster of what they will be doing on our Fun Activity Day. We hope that the children remember how to do their activities as they have not had the opportunity to practise since Thursday due to inclement weather. Fingers crossed that the sun decides to shine tomorrow.

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